This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: March 12, 2014
The proposal is to construct and operate an iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at Weld Range. Open pit mining would occur above and below the water table and would involve dewatering. Excess water would be discharged to a lined evaporation pond. Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2014
The Water Corporation of Western Australia proposes to construct, commission, operate and maintain a new wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) on a portion of the C class Crown reserve No. 29778 (Forestry Purposes) on Chugg Street, north-east of the Walpole townsite. That portion of the reserve is predominantly cleared and used as a depot for the Department of Conservation and Land Management. Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2014
The proposal is to construct, commission, operate and maintain a 1,000 equivalent persons capacity wastewater treatment plant to serve the Walpole town site and its environs. Inquiry under s46 into a request to remove conditions - Ministerial Statement 493 . Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2014
The proposal has the following main components: a 345 km railway line from Port Hedland to proposed mining operations at Mindy Mindy. This railway will be constructed in two parts: Part 1 from Port Hedland to the Chichester Ranges and Part 2 from the Chichester Ranges to Mindy Mindy; construction of port facilities consisting of rail loop, car dumper, stockyard and ore handling facilities (including two stackers and a single reclaimer), rescreening facility and product conveyor out to a wharf... Read more...Last updated: January 16, 2014
The proposal is for the development of an iron ore mine at deposits 'A' and 'B' and ore processing operation at West Angelas 130 kilometres west of Newman, and construction of a rail line and expansion of port facilities at Cape Lambert. Read more...Last updated: December 31, 2013
The proposal is to expand the FerrAus Pilbara Project to include below the water table mining at the Robertson Range Area and to develop additional mine pits at the Davidson Creek Area, located in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: November 7, 2013
To establish an iron ore mine in the Hope Downs area, 75km north-west of Newman, including facilities for limited processing of the ore, and a rail connection from the mine to a rail network for the transport of iron ore product to the coast. Read more...Last updated: October 24, 2013
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine and associated infrastructure in the Goldfields region, 450 kilometres (km) east-north-east of Perth. The proposal includes a borefield and adjoining water pipeline 60km west of the mine site and a rail siding 130km east of the mine site and 8km south of Menzies. Read more...Last updated: September 11, 2013
The Brockman 2 Detrital Iron Ore Mine (B2 Project) commenced mining operations in 1992 in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia. It is located in the Brockman Syncline area, approximately 55 kilometres (km) northwest of Tom Price. Ore from the mine is currently exported through Dampier and Cape Lambert ports. This proposal is for the Phase 2B development of the B2 Project and involves further development of parts of the existing Pit 4 Extension, Lower Pit 4, Valley Pit and Pit 6 to an... Read more...Last updated: September 9, 2013
The proposal is to develop a mineral sand mining proposal in the Shire of Capel on the Whicher Scarp, 10 km south of the town of Boyanup. The two deposits (northern and southern) contain over 750,000 tonnes of recoverable heavy mineral concentrate and would be mined using open cut, dry mining techniques involving heavy earthmoving equipment and processed through screening and separation plants. This proposal will involve the clearing of 146 ha of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2013
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at the Turee Syncline deposit, located approximately 30 kilometres north-east of Paraburdoo. Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2013
Plan for the future urban development and conservation of Lots 37, 38 and Part Lot 39 Elizabeth Street, Lots 2, 3, and 286 Alison Parade, Lot 1000, 1001 and Part Lot 42 Lower King Road, Part Lot 1 Yatana Road, Location 476 Sibbald Road and Lot 0 Bayonet Head, within the Bayonet Head Outline Development Plan Area (as defined in City of Albany Town Planning Scheme No. 3). Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2013
Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd proposes to develop a new Direct Shipping Ore iron ore mine at Murray's Hill in the Pilbara, and will extract iron ore at a rate of up to 5 million tonnes per annum. Mining is proposed above the water table and no dewatering will be required. The project consists of one mine pit, waste dump, crushing and screening plant, accommodation plant, and associated infrastructure., Note: This proposal is now referred to as the ‘Murray’s Hill Project’ and is a separate... Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2013
The proposal is to subdivide Lot 504 Lexia Avenue, Upper Swan into three rural lots. The EPA considers that the proposal, as described, cannot meet the EPA’s environmental objectives for: specially protected (threatened) fauna; regionally significant vegetation, wetlands and watercourses; and surface water quality and quantity. Read more...Last updated: June 12, 2013
Inquiry under s46 - request to to amend Ministerial Statement 830 to contemporise and rationalise existing conditions. Read more...Last updated: April 29, 2013
The development and operation of a quarry. Inquiry under s46 to delete conditions 11, 12 and 17 of Ministerial Statement 706 and condition 6 of Ministerial Statement 872 . Read more...Last updated: March 18, 2013
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has received a referral on the proposal to maintain a permanent water body in Lake Jualbup. The proposal is to convert Lake Jualbup into a constructed lake by lining the lake bed with a polymer additive and constructing sloped banks and concrete walls to reduce water loss to the surrounding environment. The EPA considers that the potential environmental issues associated with the proposal are: • Water quality impacts on aquatic fauna, • Impacts on... Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2013
Burswood Nominees Ltd intends to develop a 25 storey hotel addition at their integrated Crown Perth complex in Perth. The development will comprise two distinct areas: the Towers, which will accommodate a total of 500 rooms; and the low-rise Podium, which will contain a large convention and meeting complex, restaurants, retail and public spaces. Read more...Last updated: January 30, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate a multi-user deep-water port with iron ore stockpiling, transfer and ship loading facilities and ancillary infrastructure at Anketell Point. The proposal allows for facilities required by the Proponent and future third parties to be developed. Read more...