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Last updated: May 4, 2016
Life-of-mine proposal to mine iron ore within Mining Leases 270SA and 47/292 at a rate of approximately 45 million tonnes per annum, and subsequent rehabilitation and decommissioning of the site. Read more...Last updated: May 2, 2016
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine on the Iron Valley tenement located in the Shire of East Pilbara approximately 90 kilometres north-west of Newman. The project would include an above watertable blast and hydraulic shovel open pit mine and supporting infrastructure including dry crushing and screening plant, run of mine pad, waste rock landform, internal roads, power production, hazardous materials storage, waste management facilities, office buildings and an accommodation camp. Read more...Last updated: April 26, 2016
Brikmakers Pty Ltd proposes to extract clay from Lot 7 Toy Rd Bindoon, within the Shire of Chittering. Approximately 15 hectares (ha) of predominately pasture land will be disturbed for the construction of two clay excavation pits, a stockpile area, two dams, and bunds. Upgrading of a causeway across the Brockman River, which traverses west to east along the southern portion of the property, together with a new crossover to Toy Road is also proposed. Read more...Last updated: March 3, 2016
The proposal includes the existing Hamersley Yandicoogina iron ore project and proposed expansion. The existing project includes open pit mining at the Junction Central and Junction South East operations and associated infrastructure, dewatering activities, closure and rehabilitation. The expansion includes the development of new pits at Junction South West and Oxbow, temporary waste landforms, the development of new infrastructure, additional dewatering and water disposal activities. The... Read more...