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Last updated: December 30, 2016
The proposal is to expand existing open-cut and underground gold mining developments within a defined project area on the surface of Lake Lefroy, approximately 20 kilometres south east of Kambalda. The proposal includes the discharge of dewatering to the lake’s surface and the construction of associated mining infrastructure (including open pits and waste rock dumps). Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2016
Mineral Resources Limited (the proponent) proposes to construct and operate a Pilbara Bulk Ore Transportation System (BOTS), and associated infrastructure. The BOTS extends 330 kilometres from the Iron Valley mine site tenement boundary (M47/1439) to the Port Hedland Pilbara Port Authority boundary. Read more...Last updated: December 16, 2016
The proposal is to mine four poly-metallic deposits containing commercial concentrations of uranium and to produce uranium oxide concentrate and other metal concentrates including copper, zinc, nickel and cobalt, approximately 240km east-northeast of Kalgoorlie. The proposal also includes the construction of associated mine infrastructure consisting of mine dewatering and reinjection infrastructure (including borefields and pipelines), non-mineralised overburden landforms, run of mine stockpile... Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2016
PMR Quarries Pty Ltd, trading as WA Limestone, proposes to develop a sand and limestone quarry in the McLarty State forest (pine plantation) at Myalup, 8 kilometres south east of Lake Clifton township. Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2016
Cristal Australia Pty Ltd proposes the Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project located approximately 10 kilometres east of Busselton, City of Busselton. The project would involve dry mining and processing of mineral sands ore from the Wonnerup North deposit at a rate of approximately 2.3 million tonnes (Mt) per annum over eight years. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a single entrance onshore marina to accommodate up to 500 boat pens and moorings and a surrounding land development comprising tourism, commercial, public open space and residential land uses. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The proposal is to clear approximately 22 hectares of native vegetation on Collie Agricultural Area Lot 37 Harris Road, Picton. The proposal includes clearing of native vegetation within two wetlands. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The proposal is to clear approximately 300 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for grazing of livestock on Lot 92 Coolinup Road, located approximately 50 kilometres east-northeast of Esperance, in the Shire of Esperance. Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2016
The proposal is to construct a single residence on Lot 1613 Barrett Street, Southern River. The proposal includes a residence, garage, swimming pool, stables, paddocks, access way and landscaping with an ornamental lake. Read more...Last updated: November 30, 2016
The Site is approximately 16.9 ha and is proposed to be remediated and regenerated. It was previously mined for building and construction sands and was later used as a licensed “inert” landfill. It has been reported that non-approved waste streams were disposed of at the Site. In October 2010 following a compliance inspection the Site was classified “Contaminated – Remediation Required” under Section 13 of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 The proponent is proposing to redevelop the area by... Read more...Last updated: November 22, 2016
The Bunbury Port Authority has prepared this plan to guide future development and decision making within the Inner Harbour and to conform to the strategic planning requirements under the, Port Authorities Act 1999, . It will also provide greater certainty of land use and development for port users, the Bunbury Port Authority and other decision making authorities, neighbouring landowners and the community. Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a uranium mine consisting of two deposits Centipede and Lake Way at mining tenements M53/224 and MLA53/1090, located approximately 30 kilometres south and 15 kilometres south-east of Wiluna. Read more...Last updated: November 8, 2016
The proposal is an expansion of an existing approved proposal: Yandicoogina Iron Ore Project ( Ministerial Statement 914 ) to develop iron ore deposits at Junction Central, Junction South East, Junction South West and Oxbow, located in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia, on mining lease 274SA. The proposal is located within the Pilbara Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) region and is located within the Fortescue and Hamersley IBRA subregions. Read more...Last updated: October 4, 2016
Life-of-mine proposal to mine iron ore within Mining Leases 270SA and 47/292 at a rate of approximately 45 million tonnes per annum, and subsequent rehabilitation and decommissioning of the site. Inquiry under s46 to amend Ministerial Statement 679, the subject of EPA Report 1166 . Read more...Last updated: September 12, 2016
The Commissioner for Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct and maintain the Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit to provide a dedicated busway from the Ellenbrook town centre to Reid Highway. It involves the construction of: approximately 10 kilometres of dedicated busway; grade separations of the busway at road crossings; upgrades of all existing intersections; three bus stations with Park and Ride facilities; realignment of Lord Street from Reid Highway to Youle-Dean Road and from Park... Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2016
The proposal is to develop a granite quarry in Gidgegannup, which is expected to yield up to 500,000 tonnes of rock per annum. The proposal is further documented in EPA Report 1375 and Ministerial Statement 861 . Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2016
The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia proposes the Forrestfield-Airport Link, a 9km extension of the Perth rail network from Bayswater to Forrestfield. Read more...Last updated: July 4, 2016
Urban Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a sand quarry on tenement M70/1262, located in Karnup approximately 48 kilometres (km) south of the Perth Central Business District. The proposal would extract 1.5 million cubic metres over a project life of around five years with a total disturbance footprint of around 42 hectares including the mining area, stockpiles, a haul road and site compound. The proponent has advised that the overall post-mining land use is expected to be consistent with the... Read more...Last updated: June 1, 2016
The proposal involves an extension to the Wheelarra Hill open pits and overburden storage areas, and the mining of the South Jimblebar and Hashimoto deposits, with disposal of overburden into adjacent Overburden Storage Areas (OSAs) and in-pit disposal. Inquiry under s46 related to Ministerial Statement 857, the subject of EPA Report 1371. Read more...