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Last updated: July 28, 2021
Hanson Australia Pty Ltd (formerly Rocla Pty Ltd) proposes to extract sand within Bush Forever Site 390, on mining tenements M70/1142 and M70/1088 approximately 20km South of Perth at Lot 467 Jandakot Road, Banjup (City of Cockburn). The proposal would include: - a development envelope of 9.56 hectares (ha), including 5.63 ha that has been historically cleared; - clearing of 3.93 ha of native vegetation; - sand extraction of 300,000 tonnes over a period of approximately three years; - dry... Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2021
Open cut dry mining of mineral sands and the processing of mined material through primary and secondary concentration plants and dry minerals separation. It includes the construction and operation of associated infrastructure and a modification to the intersection of Brand Hwy with Wannamal Road West. Read more...Last updated: June 9, 2021
VBX Limited propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberley. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. Read more...Last updated: May 18, 2021
Covalent Lithium Pty Ltd proposes to develop a pegmatite-hosted lithium deposit at the abandoned Mt Holland Mine Site. The proposal area is located approximately 105 kilometres south-southeast of Southern Cross, in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal is for conventional open-cut mining of the existing Earl Grey pit, and development of associated mine infrastructure. The new mining proposal would utilise some existing infrastructure and disturbed areas. The mining proposal involves disturbance of... Read more...Last updated: May 17, 2021
Doral Mineral Sands Pty Ltd is proposing to develop and operate a mineral sands deposit approximately 11 kilometres southeast of Busselton. The proposal includes the development of mine pits and associated infrastructure, wet concentration processing plant, solar evaporation ponds, groundwater abstraction and water management infrastructure and process water pond. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 453.34 hectares within a development envelope of 924.8 hectares. The majority of... Read more...Last updated: May 14, 2021
To mine a series of open pits over approximately 25 kilometres, within the Cataby Mineral Sands Project located approximately 150 km north of Perth. Inquiry under s46 relating to Ministerial Statement 720 and EPA Report 1212 . Read more...Last updated: May 12, 2021
The proposal is for an open cut mine that will operate over approximately six years and will extract over 2.1 million tonnes (Mt) of heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) (mostly zircon and titanium minerals) from the IPL North mineral deposit. Ore will undergo initial onsite processing to produce HMC. Mining will commence at the most southern end of the deposit and progress to the north. It is expected that mining will occur 24 hours/day for the majority of the proposal. Read more...Last updated: May 10, 2021
The Munglinup Graphite Project is located in the South Coast region of Western Australia, approximately 105km west of Esperance, 85km east of Ravensthorpe and 4km north on Munglinup. MRC Graphite Pty Ltd propose to extract graphite from up to six open pits. The proposal will also include a processing plant, tailings storage facility, waste rock landforms, and associated infrastructure. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 350 hectares. Read more...Last updated: April 28, 2021
Salt Lake Potash Limited propose to abstract Sulphate of Potash (SOP) rich brines to produce up to 260 kilotonnes per annum (ktpa) of SOP product. The proposal is located in and around Lake Way, approximately 25 kilometres south of Wiluna. The activities and infrastructure proposed includes evaporation ponds, brine abstraction trenches, paleochannel brine production bores, permanent brine pumps/pipework, access and infrastructure corridors and excess salt disposal areas. The proposal will cover... Read more...Last updated: April 16, 2021
Robe River Mining Co. proposes to develop the West Angelas C, D and G iron ore deposits to sustain production at the existing West Angelas iron ore operations. The proposal is located approximately 130 km northwest of Newman. Mining of the C, D and G iron ore deposits will involve the additional clearing of up to 4,310 ha of native vegetation within a mine development envelope of 26,400 ha. Mine dewatering will be required to accommodate below water table mining, requiring an additional ... Read more...Last updated: February 1, 2021
Change relates to requirements of condition 7 -1(1) and 7-1(3), and includes an update of Figure 4 and change to Schedule 2 to amend the spatial dataset to reflect the removal of Malleefowl Mound Exclusion Zone for MM23 referred to in condition 7-1(1) Amend conditions 8-1(4) and 8-8(2) to replace the reference to 6,957 individuals of Microcorys sp. Mt Holland (D.Angus DA2397) to 15.93 per cent of the regional population. This proposal was assessed in conjunction with assessment 2279. EPA Report... Read more...Last updated: February 1, 2021
Peet Stratton Pty Ltd propose to develop the Lot 102 for urban uses as part of the wider Movida residential development. The proposal area is 8.6 hectares (ha) of which approximately 6ha is proposed for development. 2.65ha of native vegetation is proposed to be retained for conservation purposes. Read more...Last updated: February 1, 2021
Australian Potash Limited proposes to abstract brine resources to produce a sulfate of potash (SOP) product at the Lake Wells Potash Project. The proposal area is located on and adjacent to the Lake Wells Playa Lake system (salt lake terrain), approximately 160km north-northeast of Laverton in Western Australia. The proposal would include construction of an SOP processing plant, brine abstraction bores, evaporation ponds, raw water bore field, accommodation village and other associated... Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2021
Tronox Management Pty Limited proposes to develop the Cooljarloo West Titanium Minerals Project, 30 kilometres west from Cervantes, Shire of Dandaragan. The proposal involves the dredge mining of three orebodies: Woolka, Harrier and Kestrel. The proposal will require movement of the mining dredge and ore processing plant (concentrator) from the existing Cooljarloo Mine to Cooljarloo West and back again via flotation across an open channel. Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2021
Changes to condition 11 Offsets following a change to proposal after assessment Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2021
Changes to condition 13 Offsets following a change to proposal after assessment. Read more...Last updated: December 2, 2020
Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 (EP 371) within the Shire of Derby, West Kimberley. The proposal area is located approximately 123 kilometres south east of the town of Derby. The proposal comprises the construction of up to six wells in a region of the Canning Basin that has been previously surveyed and explored for petroleum purposes. The proposal is... Read more...Last updated: November 30, 2020
Austral Bricks is proposing the redevelopment of the Cardup Brickworks, which includes the expansion of the existing factory, increasing the design capacity from 200,000 to 250,000 tonnes per annum. The site is located in the southern extremity of Byford. Additional ancillary improvements include the installation of a new baghouse scrubber and a new primary crusher located in the floor of the pit. The proposal would include: Expanding the capacity from 200,000 to 250,000 tonnes per annum; New... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 2020
Atlas Iron Pty. Ltd (the proponent) propose to develop the Miralga Creek DSO Project (the proposal), an iron ore project located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal includes the development of five open pits using conventional drill and blast, load and haul methods. 8 million tonnes of iron ore will be mined above the watertable over an approximate timeframe of four to five years. Associated infrastructure will include waste rock dumps. Existing borefield and accommodation... Read more...Last updated: November 9, 2020
NW Interconnected Power Pty Ltd (the Proponent) is seeking to revise its approved proposal to develop the Asian Renewable Energy Hub. The proposal was previously referred under section 38 of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act), assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) at the level of Public Environmental Review (PER) (NW Interconnected Power 2019), and subsequently approved by the Western Australian Minister for Environment in October 2020. This referral is for ... Read more...