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Last updated: February 7, 2025
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd (representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd) proposes to develop various lots along Wallcliffe Road Gnarabup for a 121 room five star resort, and beach village comprising of short-stay accommodation, residential dwellings and commercial premises. The proposal development envelope is 8.11 hectares. The proposal is located on the western side of Wallcliffe Road, Gnarabup Beach. Following the seven day public comment period and consideration... Read more...Last updated: February 4, 2025
The Proposal is to construct and operate a new multimodal port in the Kwinana Industrial Area (KIA), approximately 30 km south of Perth. The Proposal includes: A port facility. Adjacent areas of landside development. An offshore breakwater. Dredging for a second main channel. Dredging for access channels, turning basins and berthing areas. Use of dredge material for beneficial re-use and, where required, placement in approved marine placement areas. Removal of the disused Kwinana Bulk Berth 1 (... Read more...Last updated: February 3, 2025
Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines is seeking to expand the Fimiston Gold mine operations (Fimiston), located 600 kilometres East of Perth, and adjacent to the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Western Australia. The proposal is a significant amendment to the current Fimiston Gold Mine Operations Extension (Stage 2) and Mine Closure Planning, approved under Ministerial Statement 782, operated by Kalgoorlie Consolidated Gold Mines (KCGM). The proposal is for the expansion of the Fimiston operations in... Read more...Last updated: January 29, 2025
Infinite Green Energy propose to construct and operate a green energy wind and solar powered hydrogen production facility within freehold lots 3, 4, 100 and 6110 located in Arrowsmith 30km south of Dongara, within the Shire of Irwin, Western Australia (WA). Infinite Blue Energy purchased the 1929.68 ha property due to the site’s abundance of wind and solar power combined with abundant quantity of quality fresh water. The previous property use involved sheep, cattle and goats grazing. The... Read more...Last updated: January 28, 2025
Chichester Metals Pty Ltd is proposing to construct and operate an iron ore mine approximately 55 km north-west of Newman, and 30 km south of Fortescue’s existing Nyidinghu project in the Pilbara region. The proposal would require a disturbance footprint of 12,487 ha and is located within a 42,331 ha mine development envelope. The proposal is located within the Nyiyaparli and Nyiyaparli #3 Native Title determination area (WCD 2018/008) The proposal includes both above and below water table open... Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2025
The Ridley Magnetite Project (the Proposal) is located approximately 57 km east of Port Hedland. The Proposal is located within a 19,102 ha Development Envelope (DE) with an indicative disturbance footprint (IF) of 8,484 ha. The Proposal is for the mining and processing of iron ore to produce up to 16.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of magnetite concentrate. The Proposal includes a single pit (below water table), run-of-mine pad, concentrate stockpiles, laydown areas, waste dumps,... Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2025
The Proposal will use combined onshore wind and solar energy of approximately 5.2 gigawatt (GW) capacity to produce green hydrogen which will be converted to an estimated 2 Million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of green ammonia for export to emerging green energy markets. The Proposal is located within the Shire of Northampton, Western Australia (WA), approximately 20 km north of Kalbarri. The Proposal comprises the following major components: a wind and solar farm with a combined installed capacity... Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2025
Port Hedland Iron Pty Ltd (formerly Port Hedland Green Steel) proposes to develop a large-scale downstream iron ore processing facility known as the Port Hedland Green Steel Project – Stage 1. The proposal is located in the Boodarie Strategic Industrial Area (BSIA) approximately 10 km south-west of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region. The proposal will consist of a pellet plant and a hot briquette iron (HBI) plant, consuming approximately 3 - 3.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of iron ore. Most... Read more...Last updated: January 21, 2025
Perdaman Chemicals and Fertilisers Pty Ltd intends to construct and operate a urea plant with a production capacity of approximately 2 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) on Sites C and F within the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA) on the Burrup Peninsula. Both sites are located adjacent to the Murujuga National Park. The EPA considered the Study of the Cumulative Impacts of Air Emissions in the Murujuga Airshed in its assessment of the Perdaman Urea Project. Read more...Last updated: January 21, 2025
The Western Australian Water Corporation is proposing to construct the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant (ASDP) as part of Perth’s Integrated Water Supply Scheme which aims to provide additional sources of drinking water to supplement the existing metropolitan water supply. The ASDP Proposal will be located within the Alkimos Water Precinct (Lot 1050 Marmion Avenue), approximately 40 km north of the Perth, within the northwest corridor, north of Quinns Rock beach and south of Yanchep beach.... Read more...Last updated: January 20, 2025
Colchester Pty Ltd propose to construct a large format hardware and retail development at Lot 100 and 256 Clarke Road within the Station Road commercial precinct located 900 metres south of the Margaret River town site. The proposal includes buildings internal roads, hardstand areas and landscaping. The proposal site is 2.86 hectares (ha) and is bounded by existing commercial business to the north and south, the South Regional TAFE Margaret River Campus to the east and remnant vegetation within... Read more...Last updated: January 13, 2025
Lot 123 Mortimer Road Casuarina (Lot 123) is 45 hectares (ha) in size, and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots; one conservation lot of 7.9 hectares (ha) and a balance lot for residential development. Lot 123 contains excellent quality remnant Banksia woodland vegetation, threatened fauna habitat, and a conservation category wetland. Read more...Last updated: January 9, 2025
VRX Silica Ltd propose to develop a silica sand mine in the Geraldton Sandplain bioregion of Western Australia, approximately 270 km north of Perth. The proposal would include a total disturbance of 412.2 hectares of native vegetation and will involve sequential mining of sand 8 – 15 metres below the soil surface. Vegetation and topsoil will be relocated to rehabilitation areas using the Vegetation Direct Transfer method. Mining will be undertaken in sections by removing blocks (typically 150m... Read more...Last updated: January 6, 2025
The Orebody 29/30/35 Significant Amendment proposal is approximately 7 kilometres west-south-west of Newman in the Pilbara region next to existing Mt Whaleback mining operations. BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd proposes to continue and expand existing iron ore mining operations approved under Ministerial Statement 963: Orebody 29/30/35 Mining Below Watertable, published 18 March 2014. The proposal includes the expansion of operations at Orebody 29 and 30 (above and below the water table), the addition of... Read more...Last updated: December 23, 2024
De Grey Mining Ltd proposes to construct and operate the Hemi Gold Project (the Project) located approximately 85 km south of Port Hedland, in the Pilbara Region of WA. The Project involves the excavation of open pits, mine dewatering, surplus water management including reinjection and controlled discharge. Associated supporting infrastructure includes an integrated waste landform tailings storage facility, waste rock landforms, low-grade stockpiles, airstrip, accommodation village, sealed... Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2024
South32 Worsley Alumina Pty Ltd currently operates the Boddington Bauxite Mine (located approximately 5km south-west of Boddington), Worsley Refinery (located approximately 15 km north-west of Collie) and port operations at the Bunbury Port. The new proposal is for the: · expansion of the existing mining area and incorporation of new mining areas; · development of a bauxite transport corridor; · development of a contingency mining area and maintenance work at the Refinery; and · development of... Read more...Last updated: December 19, 2024
Robe River Mining Co. Pty Ltd. (the proponent) propose to develop new above and below water table iron ore mine pits and associated infrastructure to sustain existing West Angelas operations. The proposal is located approximately 130 kilometres northwest of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal will involve clearing of an additional 7,200 hectares (ha) of native vegetation (in addition to the 12,205 ha currently authorised under Ministerial Statement 1113) within a... Read more...Last updated: December 19, 2024
WA Offshore Windfarm Pty Ltd is proposing the construction, operation and decommissioning of the Western Australian Offshore Windfarm project. The project will be located approximately 5.5 km off the coast between Preston Beach and Myalup and will have a generation capacity of up to 300 MW. The Project will comprise up to 37 offshore wind turbine generators (WTGs) with supporting offshore and onshore electrical assets to transfer energy generated by the windfarm to the existing electricity... Read more...Last updated: December 18, 2024
Reward Minerals propose to develop the Lake Disappointment Potash Project (located approximately 320 km east of Newman). The proposal is to abstract brine from sediments and use solar evaporation ponds on the surface of the lake to create the potash product. The proposal would disturb 7,250 ha of land which includes 437 ha of vegetation, with the remainder of disturbance to the surface of Lake Disappointment. Read more...Last updated: December 16, 2024
Smiths 2014 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 4131 Smiths Beach Road, Yallingup (City of Busselton) into a coastal tourism village, including: Hotel accommodation and wellness centre Campground 61 holiday homes Community hub and café Surf Lifesaving Club facilities and beach ramp The proposal is located at the southern end of Smiths Beach, adjacent to the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park. The total proposed development envelope is 40.53 hectares (ha). The major elements of the proposal include:... Read more...