This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: March 27, 2013
Proposal by Robe River Mining Company Pty Ltd to mine iron ore at Mesa A/Warramboo. This report has been prepared in response to a request from the Minister under section 43(1) of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, (EP Act) that the EPA re-assess the proposal in the light of additional information provided by the proponent. Read more...Last updated: July 24, 2012
The proposal is to develop and operate a direct shipping iron ore project in the Pilbara. The project involves the open-cut mining of eight small pits approximately 70 kilometres east of Port Hedland to obtain direct shipping ore quality haematite. Annual ore production will be 1.5 million tonnes. Read more...Last updated: May 30, 2012
The proposal is to clear up to 3.7 hectares of native vegetation for a limestone quarry, to screen the material on-site, re-establish an access road and rehabilitate all of the disturbed areas. Read more...Last updated: January 9, 2012
The proposal consists of a designated mining area containing two open pits, integrated waste and tailings landform, ore beneficiating plant and workshops, a combined gas pipeline spur and water pipe corridor, a services (possible water, gas, power transmission) corridor to Weld Range, the Byro Sub-basin Borefield and the Murchison Palaeochannel Borefield, a power station, airstrip, village and ancillaries. The Jack Hills Expansion Project is contiguous with the Stage 1 mine. Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2011
The proposal is to increase the mine dewatering rate up to 50 Gigalitres per annum and to inject surplus water into two brackish and one saline injection zones at the Christmas Creek Mine. Read more...Last updated: March 14, 2011
Oakajee Rail Development is a component of the larger Oakajee Port and Rail Development. The proposed heavy haulage railway and the associated facilities covered in this proposal include 570 kilometres (km) of railway and associated rail infrastructure extending in a north-easterly direction from the North West Coastal Highway (NWCH) approximately 1.5km south of Olsen Road at Oakajee, approximately 24km north of Geraldton, to the Jack Hills mining operations located approximately 500km to the... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 2011
The proposal is to construct and operate iron ore handling and storage facilities and ancillary infrastructure required to develop and operate a 45 million tonne per annum iron ore export facility at Oakajee, 24km north of Geraldton. Read more...Last updated: October 28, 2010
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine at the Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project-Mt Jackson J1 Deposit (Mt Jackson J1 Deposit), located approximately 110 kilometres (km) north-north-east of Southern Cross in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal includes two mine pits to extract approximately 33 million tonnes of iron ore and associated mining infrastructure. The proposed mine required disturbance of approximately 605 hectares (ha) of native vegetation for pits, associated mine infrastructure,... Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2010
BHP Billiton Iron Ore is proposing to develop the Orebody 24 (OB24) deposit located north of Orebody 25 (OB25) Mine, and approximately 10 km north-east of the town of Newman in the Pilbara Region. New and existing OB25 infrastructure would be utilised. Read more...Last updated: December 23, 2009
Proposal to develop and operate an open-cut iron ore mine with infrastructure and utilities located in the Cape Preston region, 80 km south-west of Karratha by Mineralogy Pty Ltd. Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2006
The proposal is for the remaining life of the mine (50+ years), located west of Jimblebar Creek on Mining Lease 266SA. It entails increasing the iron ore production rate at the mine from 8 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to approximately 12Mtpa, and the mining of the currently undeveloped deposits on either side of the existing operation, including both in-situ hard rock and detrital ores. Approximately 600 million tonnes of Marra Mamba iron ore have been identified within the mining envelope.... Read more...Last updated: February 13, 2006
Readymix Holdings Pty Limited proposes to extend its Nickol Bay quarry, located at the southern end of the Burrup Peninsula near Dampier, by an area of approximately 5.2 hectares. Read more...Last updated: January 24, 2006
Proposal by BHP Billiton Iron Ore Pty Ltd (BHPBIO) to expand existing mining operations at Orebody 25 Mine (OB25), within mining lease (ML) 244SA. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2002
The proposal is to develop a raw sugar industry on the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains. The M2 Project is located near Kununurra within the Victoria-Bonaparte Biogeographic Region and the project area extends over approximately 76,000 ha of land comprising the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains, and involves approximately equal areas within WA and the NT. The proposal has been assessed in two parts: biodiversity and management. This assessment is of the management component. See... Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2002
The proposal is to develop a raw sugar industry on the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains. The M2 Project is located near Kununurra within the Victoria-Bonaparte Biogeographic Region and the project area extends over approximately 76,000 ha of land comprising the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains, and involves approximately equal areas within WA and the NT. The proposal has been assessed in two parts: biodiversity and management. This assessment is of the biodiversity. See here for... Read more...Last updated: October 29, 1999
Proposal to redevelop the Harvey and Stirling Reservoir system in order to divert an additional quantity of water from the Harvey Basin for the Perth Metropolitan Water Supply Scheme (PMWSS). The proposal involves the construction of a new pipeline from Harris Sam to Stirling Reservoir to enable transfer of water. Read more...Last updated: September 20, 1996
The proposal is to develop for special residential purposes Lyndon locations 222 and 223, approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth. The subject land is on the eastern shoreline of the Cape Range peninsula immediately inland of the coastal dunes and approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth. It is proposed to subdivide the land into 177 special residential lots, ranging in area from approximately 0.4 to 3.4 hectares. The EPA's report was released. The WAPC refused the planning... Read more...