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Last updated: November 8, 2016
The proposal is an expansion of an existing approved proposal: Yandicoogina Iron Ore Project ( Ministerial Statement 914 ) to develop iron ore deposits at Junction Central, Junction South East, Junction South West and Oxbow, located in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia, on mining lease 274SA. The proposal is located within the Pilbara Interim Biogeographic Regionalisation for Australia (IBRA) region and is located within the Fortescue and Hamersley IBRA subregions. Read more...Last updated: September 20, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate an iron ore mine in the Goldfields region of Western Australia. The proposal involves mining of hematite direct shipping ore (DSO) from a single open pit on the Yendilberin Hills, which form part of the Finnerty Range. Read more...Last updated: June 1, 2016
The proposal involves an extension to the Wheelarra Hill open pits and overburden storage areas, and the mining of the South Jimblebar and Hashimoto deposits, with disposal of overburden into adjacent Overburden Storage Areas (OSAs) and in-pit disposal. Inquiry under s46 related to Ministerial Statement 857, the subject of EPA Report 1371. Read more...Last updated: March 3, 2016
The proposal includes the existing Hamersley Yandicoogina iron ore project and proposed expansion. The existing project includes open pit mining at the Junction Central and Junction South East operations and associated infrastructure, dewatering activities, closure and rehabilitation. The expansion includes the development of new pits at Junction South West and Oxbow, temporary waste landforms, the development of new infrastructure, additional dewatering and water disposal activities. The... Read more...Last updated: February 4, 2016
The West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Stage 1 – Mine and Rail proposal is to develop and operate eight iron ore deposits 35 to 85 km south of Pannawonica and a heavy-haulage railway that connects the mine area to the Anketell Point Port precinct. The EPA's assessment report (Report 1409) was released on 3 August 2011. The Minister for Environment approved the proposal for implementation, subject to the implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 881 (30 November 2011). In August 2015,... Read more...Last updated: December 24, 2015
The proposal is to develop and operate the Baby Hope iron ore deposit, located 75 km north-west of Newman in the Pilbara region of WA. The Baby Hope proposal includes above water table open pits, waste rock dumps and supporting transport infrastructure. Clearing of up to 1,000 ha within the existing Hope Downs 1 development envelope would be required for the proposal. Product from the Baby Hope deposit would be processed at the at the existing Hope Downs processing facilities. Read more...Last updated: November 12, 2015
The proposal is to construct and operate an open-cut iron ore mine, and associated infrastructure, approximately 40 kilometres (km) east of Newman. Read more...Last updated: July 10, 2015
The proposal involves the expansion of existing operations of the Nammuldi-Silvergrass Iron Ore Project and is therefore a Revised Proposal.The proposal includes the additional clearing of approximately 3,900 ha of vegetation for mine pits, waste dumps and associated mine infrastructure and facilities, and approximately 2,500 ha for the IAA. Read more...Last updated: May 14, 2015
The proposal is to construct and operate an open cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure for the extraction, processing and transport of iron ore. The proposal is located approximately 70 km north-west of Newman in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: April 30, 2015
To expand the liquefied natural gas (LNG) production capacity of the existing proposal from 15 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) to 20 Mtpa (nominal). Read more...Last updated: February 26, 2015
The Minister for Environment has requested that the EPA inquire into and report on the matter of changing the implementation conditions relating to Ministerial Statement 905 in order to: extend the time limit on shipments of lead carbonate through Fremantle Port (condition 3A); and reduce the amount of the financial assurance required and allow the release and reinstatement of the financial assurance in the event operations are suspended (condition 18). Read more...Last updated: October 15, 2014
Fortescue Metals Group Limited (Fortescue) proposes to develop two new mines within the Solomon Project, a greenfield site approximately 60 kilometres (km) north of Tom Price and adjacent to the North Eastern boundary of the Karijini National Park, and to construct a 127 km railway from the new mines eastwards to the existing Fortescue railway. Read more...Last updated: June 4, 2014
The expansion of existing mining operations at Marandoo by mining below the water table, including expansion of the existing mine pit and development of new waste dumps. Read more...Last updated: April 2, 2014
Chevron Australia Pty Ltd proposes to clear an additional 32 hectares of land within a 36 hectare development envelope on Barrow Island. The clearing is for the purposes of an additional construction laydown and operations support area, required to support the construction and operation of the Gorgon Gas Development referred to in Ministerial Statement 800 dated 10 August 2009 and Ministerial Statement 865 dated 8 June 2011. Read more...Last updated: December 31, 2013
The proposal is to expand the FerrAus Pilbara Project to include below the water table mining at the Robertson Range Area and to develop additional mine pits at the Davidson Creek Area, located in the East Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: December 10, 2013
The proposal involves the development of a satellite iron ore mine at Section 10, 20km northwest of the Tom Price minesite, to supplement falling production from the Tom Price mine as it nears the end of its life. The orebody occupies the lower slopes of the main range of hills in the Western Turner Syncline. The eastern and western portions of the proposed pit, where the ore is shallowest, would be mined first and subsequently backfilled, but the central portion would remain open. Read more...Last updated: November 7, 2013
To establish an iron ore mine in the Hope Downs area, 75km north-west of Newman, including facilities for limited processing of the ore, and a rail connection from the mine to a rail network for the transport of iron ore product to the coast. Read more...Last updated: October 9, 2013
The proposal involves extensions to mines at Yarrie and Sunrise Hill, new mines at Nimingarra (Nim I), Cattle Gorge and associated infrastructure such as haul roads and a power line. The proposal also seeks to revise the decommissioning and rehabilitation plan for the entire Goldsworthy operations. Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2013
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at the Turee Syncline deposit, located approximately 30 kilometres north-east of Paraburdoo. Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2013
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at the Western Turner Syncline Stage 2 – B1 and Section 17 deposits, located approximately 30 kilometres west of Tom Price in the central Pilbara Region, Western Australia. Read more...