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Last updated: December 15, 2009
The Red October Gold Project is located on the western shore of Lake Carey, 80km south of Laverton. The proposal is to mine approximately 16 million tonnes of ore and associated waste material over a two year period involves development of an open cut gold mine and waste rock dumps on the lake bed and construction of mine infrastructure and borrow pits on Anglefish Island adjacent to the mining pit. Read more...Last updated: February 12, 2009
The proposal is to develop an iron ore (haematite) mine at Jack Hills approximately 100 km west of Meekatharra. The project will have a lifespan of approximately seven years (five years of mining, two years of closure activities) and will be a contract mining operation. The project will consist of an open cut mine with one pit up to 140 metres deep (approximately 41.2 MT of ore and waste rock). The floor of the pit will be above the watertable and the pit will not be backfilled. Product will be... Read more...Last updated: December 17, 2008
The proposal is to develop a new iron ore mine approximately 60 kilometres west-north-west of Tom Price and 25 kilometres south-west of the existing Brockman 2 mine. The major components of the project include: Three new mine pits- with approximately 20% of the orebody occurring below the water table; Dry processing plant- including crushers, overland conveyor and screens; this will be located to the north of the pits running east/west to the rail loop; Associated mine infrastructure- this... Read more...Last updated: May 25, 2006
The proposal is for residential development on the East Clontarf site, approximately 18ha in size. The site is bounded by Manning Road, Centenary Avenue and the Canning River. It is zoned Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Residential in the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme. The foreshore area adjacent to the proposed development is identified for protection as Bush Forever site 333 and reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. Read more...Last updated: July 11, 2003
The proposal is for the first stage of a Coral Coast Resort (CCR), which includes tourist, residential and incidental commercial facilities centred around an inland marina, at the site called Mauds Landing. The CCR proposal envisages the establishment, in the first stage, of a marina, a caravan park, an interpretative centre, a back-packers facility, stage one of a resort complex, provision of utilities infrastructure and the preparation of land with services for sale at a later date. The CCR... Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
Methanex proposes to develop a methanol complex on the Burrup Peninsula, approximately 1300 kilometres north of Perth. The selected project site is located in the King Bay – Hearson Cove Industrial Area, approximately 6 and 10 kilometres from the towns of Dampier and Karratha respectively. Approximately 84 hectares of the 100 hectare site will be cleared to accommodate the methanol complex. Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
The proposal is for construction and operation of a methanol plant of 1.05 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) nominal capacity, at Withnell East industrial area on the Burrup Peninsula The proposal includes the installation of a gas supply pipeline, product pipeline, seawater supply pipeline and wastewater discharge pipeline to be situated in infrastructure corridors for which the Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MPR) will be proponent. The plant footprint will occupy approximately... Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2001
The proposal is for a large-scale nickel and cobalt mining and processing operation which will involve the mining and processing of up to 15 million dry tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of lateritic ore to produce approximately 60,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of nickel and up to 8,000 tpa of cobalt. The ore will be mined at Marshall Pool, 55 km south-south-east of Leinster, and Lawlers, 10 km south of Leinster. Read more...Last updated: June 11, 2001
Proposal by Main Roads Western Australia (MRWA) to upgrade sections of the existing Useless Loop Road, Shark Bay. Read more...Last updated: November 28, 2000
The proposal is to develop two iron ore deposits (Nammuldi and Silvergrass) near Hamersley Iron Pty Limited’s current Brockman No. 2 iron ore mine, 65 kilometres north-west of Tom Price. Read more...Last updated: August 9, 2000
Proposal to develop the Wallaby Gold Mine. Located on the shore of Lake Carey, a naturally occurring saline wetland approximately 27 km south-west of Laverton. The Wallaby Gold Mine Project includes development of an open cut gold mine, waste rock dumps and infrastructure to support mining on the northern shoreline of the lake. Gold ore produced at the mine will be transported via overland conveyor to an existing processing plant with tailings placed in both an extended and a new tailings... Read more...Last updated: July 13, 2000
The proposal includes gold mining developments within a defined project area on Lake Lefroy a naturally occurring salt lake approximately 7 kilometres south-east of Kambalda. Thirteen sites have already been identified for development of open-cut gold mining pits, some with underground portals and mining. Additional sites may be identified within the defined project area. Waste rock dumps, access infrastructure and mining support facilities such as workshops and contractor's compounds will... Read more...Last updated: July 14, 1998
The Proposal is to install a second undersea gas trunk line from the existing offshore Goodwin/North Rankin production platforms to a new terminal located in the existing onshore treatment plant at Withnell Bay on the Burrup Peninsula. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 1997
The proposal is to drill and evaluate a land-based exploration well, Melanie-1, on Cape Range Peninsula for a gas and oil target. The proposal does not include any future plans to develop a gas or oil field. The proposed Melanie-1 exploration well is located near the north western tip of Cape Range Peninsula, inland of the Yardie Creek Road and behind the line of hills which form the continuation of Cape Range. The project site, which covers an area of approximately 0.8 hectares, is... Read more...Last updated: August 13, 1997
Proposed expansion of the Jimblebar iron ore mine (formerly known as McCamey’s Monster). The proposal by BHP Iron Ore (Jimblebar) Pty Ltd (the proponent) involves an increase in the mining rate from five to eight million tonnes per annum, and the expansion of both the scree and bedrock mining areas. Read more...Last updated: July 14, 1997
The proposal is to construct a pipeline fabrication site within the exrstmg Mardie Station Pastoral lease and existing Vacant Crown Land Reserve, approximately 45km south west of Dampier and 15km east of Cape Preston is detailed in the CER. Read more...Last updated: January 6, 1994
The proposal is to establish an energy infrastructure in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. This proposal will provide natural gas and electric power for future industrial developments and includes: a 215 kilometre buried gas pipeline from Karratha to Port Hedland; a gas turbine power station at Port Hedland; approximately 400 kilometres of high-voltage power transmission line from Port Hedland to Newman; a back-up generating plant at Newman; and closure of the existing diesel powered... Read more...Last updated: September 18, 1989
Cable Sands (WA) Pty Ltd has submitted a proposal to mine a deposit of mineral sands approximately 5km to the east of Busselton, near the junction of Vasse and Bussell Highways. Read more...