This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: March 3, 2016
The proposal includes the existing Hamersley Yandicoogina iron ore project and proposed expansion. The existing project includes open pit mining at the Junction Central and Junction South East operations and associated infrastructure, dewatering activities, closure and rehabilitation. The expansion includes the development of new pits at Junction South West and Oxbow, temporary waste landforms, the development of new infrastructure, additional dewatering and water disposal activities. The... Read more...Last updated: February 15, 2016
Holcim (Australia) Pty Ltd proposes to develop a sand quarry on tenements M70/1248 and M70/1250, located in Jandabup north of Perth, approximately 8 km north east of Wanneroo and within the Local Government Area of Wanneroo. The site falls within the Gnangara Pine Plantation, which has been progressively harvested since 2003 until the current time. The site is in a cleared state from a recent harvest of pine. The project site is on the Gnangara Mound within the Gnangara Underground Water... Read more...Last updated: February 4, 2016
The West Pilbara Iron Ore Project Stage 1 – Mine and Rail proposal is to develop and operate eight iron ore deposits 35 to 85 km south of Pannawonica and a heavy-haulage railway that connects the mine area to the Anketell Point Port precinct. The EPA's assessment report (Report 1409) was released on 3 August 2011. The Minister for Environment approved the proposal for implementation, subject to the implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 881 (30 November 2011). In August 2015,... Read more...