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Last updated: September 20, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate an iron ore mine in the Goldfields region of Western Australia. The proposal involves mining of hematite direct shipping ore (DSO) from a single open pit on the Yendilberin Hills, which form part of the Finnerty Range. Read more...Last updated: September 19, 2016
The proposal is to develop a Waste Transfer and Resource Recovery Facility approximately 10 kilometres from Perth at 25 Jackson Street, Bassendean in the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal would include: a Materials Recovery Facility (MRF) for the processing of co-mingled recyclables; acceptance, short term stockpiling and baling of source separated recycled commodities; glass crusher for management of waste glass from the MRF; a metal shredder for the processing of metal commodities; a... Read more...Last updated: September 12, 2016
The Commissioner for Main Roads Western Australia proposes to construct and maintain the Ellenbrook Bus Rapid Transit to provide a dedicated busway from the Ellenbrook town centre to Reid Highway. It involves the construction of: approximately 10 kilometres of dedicated busway; grade separations of the busway at road crossings; upgrades of all existing intersections; three bus stations with Park and Ride facilities; realignment of Lord Street from Reid Highway to Youle-Dean Road and from Park... Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2016
The proposal is to develop a granite quarry in Gidgegannup, which is expected to yield up to 500,000 tonnes of rock per annum. The proposal is further documented in EPA Report 1375 and Ministerial Statement 861 . Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2016
The Public Transport Authority of Western Australia proposes the Forrestfield-Airport Link, a 9km extension of the Perth rail network from Bayswater to Forrestfield. Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2016
Austeel Pty Ltd proposes to mine iron ore from the George Palmer Orebody on a pastoral lease about 25km south of Cape Preston. Ore will be fed to a purpose-built process plant to produce up to 13.8 million tonnes per annum of pellet iron and 4.7 million tonnes per annum of direct reduced iron (DRI) and/or hot briquetted iron (HBI). The products will be exported via a new port to be built at Cape Preston and Preston Island. Associated components comprise waste dumps, tailings storage facility,... Read more...Last updated: August 24, 2016
The proposal involves establishing an agricultural scheme that comprises a series of irrigated pivot cells for hay production, and will aim to increase productivity and sustainability of pastoral operations in the Pilbara. The proposal will utilise mine water, surplus to other MMP2 requirements, and forms an important component of the integrated MMP2 water management strategy. The Project area is approximately 2,800 hectares of which a maximum of 1,815 hectares is to be disturbed. This includes... Read more...Last updated: August 19, 2016
The proposal includes an open-cut lead carbonate mine and processing facilities 30 kilometres west of the Wiluna townsite. The lead carbonate concentrate produced at the mine-site is transported in sealed bags within locked shipping containers by road from the mine-site to Leonora and then by rail to the Port of Fremantle where it is exported. Read more...Last updated: August 8, 2016
The Wilderness Society of WA Inc. referred this proposal to the EPA on the basis of there being no management plan for the wild sandalwood industry, and concerns about the sustainability of the sandalwood industry. The Forest Products Commission of Western Australia (FPC) proposes to undertake the commercial harvesting of wild sandalwood (Santalum spicatum) from Crown lands at a rate of up to 1125 tonnes per year of green sandalwood and 1125 tonnes per year of dead sandalwood, for a period... Read more...Last updated: July 18, 2016
Keppel Holdings proposes the development and operation of a mobile concrete batching plant at Lot 105 (No. 2) Clune Street, Bassendean. The proposal site is located within the Bassendean Industrial Area. The proposal includes the construction of buildings and associated car and truck parking. Read more...Last updated: July 4, 2016
Urban Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a sand quarry on tenement M70/1262, located in Karnup approximately 48 kilometres (km) south of the Perth Central Business District. The proposal would extract 1.5 million cubic metres over a project life of around five years with a total disturbance footprint of around 42 hectares including the mining area, stockpiles, a haul road and site compound. The proponent has advised that the overall post-mining land use is expected to be consistent with the... Read more...Last updated: June 30, 2016
The proposal is for the operation of a gold concentrate processing plant and associated infrastructure at Gidji approximately 17 km north of the City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder. Inquiry under s46 in regard to changing the implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 28 and Ministerial Statement 77 . Read more...Last updated: June 29, 2016
The proposal is to develop an open cut coal mine at the Premier deposit in the Shotts Sub-Basin of the Collie Coal Basin. The Premier Coal Mine would supply approximately 2 million tonnes of coal per year to the proposed private power station due to be built by 1996. It is a proposed open cut coal mining operation which will have a life of 30 years and is on the scale of the Muja mining operation. The mining method will follow the practices being used in the existing open cut operations... Read more...Last updated: June 20, 2016
The Department of Defence proposes to undertake maintenance dredging of accumulated sediments alongside its marine infrastructure on the eastern side of Garden Island, in Cockburn Sound, to return naval waters to navigable depths. Approximately 1,900 cubic metres (m 3 ) of material is to be excavated from four locations in Careening Bay and 5,480m 3 of material from the Armaments Wharf in Sulphur Bay. The proposed dredging method is to use a long reach excavator with a bucket fitted with a... Read more...Last updated: June 1, 2016
The proposal involves an extension to the Wheelarra Hill open pits and overburden storage areas, and the mining of the South Jimblebar and Hashimoto deposits, with disposal of overburden into adjacent Overburden Storage Areas (OSAs) and in-pit disposal. Inquiry under s46 related to Ministerial Statement 857, the subject of EPA Report 1371. Read more...Last updated: May 10, 2016
Doyles Lime Service Pty Ltd proposes to develop a limestone and sand quarry on Lots 1001 and 1002 Preston Beach Road North, Preston Beach. The estimated resource is 1,000,000 tonnes of limestone extracted at 50,000 tonnes per year and 150,000 tonnes of sand, extracted at 10,000 tonnes per year. The proposed limestone pit is 7.5 hectares (ha) and the sand pit is 1.5 ha with a 2.5 ha pit identified for the future. The proposal is expected to have a life of 20 years. Preston Beach Road North is... Read more...Last updated: May 4, 2016
Life-of-mine proposal to mine iron ore within Mining Leases 270SA and 47/292 at a rate of approximately 45 million tonnes per annum, and subsequent rehabilitation and decommissioning of the site. Read more...Last updated: May 2, 2016
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine on the Iron Valley tenement located in the Shire of East Pilbara approximately 90 kilometres north-west of Newman. The project would include an above watertable blast and hydraulic shovel open pit mine and supporting infrastructure including dry crushing and screening plant, run of mine pad, waste rock landform, internal roads, power production, hazardous materials storage, waste management facilities, office buildings and an accommodation camp. Read more...Last updated: April 26, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a Wood Waste to Energy Plant at the existing Hazelmere Recycling Centre on Part Lot 100 and Lot 301, Lakes Road, Hazelmere. Read more...Last updated: April 26, 2016
Brikmakers Pty Ltd proposes to extract clay from Lot 7 Toy Rd Bindoon, within the Shire of Chittering. Approximately 15 hectares (ha) of predominately pasture land will be disturbed for the construction of two clay excavation pits, a stockpile area, two dams, and bunds. Upgrading of a causeway across the Brockman River, which traverses west to east along the southern portion of the property, together with a new crossover to Toy Road is also proposed. Read more...