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Last updated: February 28, 2012
The proposal is to mine and process iron ore from Extension Hill and Extension Hill North, within the Mt Gibson Ranges, construct a pipeline to transport the magnetite slurry to Geraldton Port, and construct infrastructure at the port to strip the ore from the slurry for export. Inquiry under s46 in regard to amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 753 . Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2012
The proposal is to construct and operate the Outer Harbour Development which includes landside and marine infrastructure for the handling and export of iron ore from BHPBIO’s operations. The Boodarie stockyard infrastructure will supply an overland conveyor to a transfer pad located to the west of the existing Finucane Island facilities. A piled jetty will transfer ore material to the ship loaders located at the piled wharf. Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2012
Mount Gibson Mining Limited proposes to mine and process iron ore (hematite and magnetite) from Extension Hill and Extension Hill North. The proposal also includes the construction of a pipeline to transport the magnetite slurry to Geraldton Port, and infrastructure at the port to strip the ore from the slurry for export. The operation will yield approximately 13 million tonnes of hematite over 8 years and 230 million tonnes of magnetite over 20 years. Extension Hill and Extension Hill North... Read more...Last updated: February 13, 2012
The proposal is to excavate and process gypsum ore and overburden from mining lease 70/1161. Inquiry under s46 to amend condition 8.1 of Ministerial Statement 730 . Read more...Last updated: February 7, 2012
Inquiry under s46 in regard to amendment of conditions of Ministerial Statement 0399 Busselton Regional Aerodrome. Read more...Last updated: January 17, 2012
The proposal is to construct a sub sea pipeline, onshore gas treatment and compression plant, and sales gas pipeline. The subsea pipeline from the Macedon Gas Field (100 kilometres west of Onslow) connects to the onshore gas treatment and compression plant at Ashburton North (15 kilometres southwest of Onslow). The sales gas pipeline connects the onshore facility to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas (DBNG) Pipeline. Read more...Last updated: January 9, 2012
The proposal consists of a designated mining area containing two open pits, integrated waste and tailings landform, ore beneficiating plant and workshops, a combined gas pipeline spur and water pipe corridor, a services (possible water, gas, power transmission) corridor to Weld Range, the Byro Sub-basin Borefield and the Murchison Palaeochannel Borefield, a power station, airstrip, village and ancillaries. The Jack Hills Expansion Project is contiguous with the Stage 1 mine. Read more...Last updated: January 5, 2012
The proposal is to increase production of barramundi from 1000 tpa to 2000 tpa at its sea cage aquaculture site in Cone Bay which is located approximately 215 km north north east of Broome in the Buccaneer Archipelago and forms part of the Yampi Sound in the Kimberley region of Western Australia. The proponent has a 21 year Aquaculture Lease (AL0020) over its existing aquaculture site (Aquaculture Licence No. 1465) which is approximately 700 hectares. Read more...