This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 30, 2004
The City of Wanneroo intends to construct an extension of Hepburn Avenue between Mirrabooka Avenue and The Avenue, in Landsdale. The major components of project include the: relocation of flora and fauna; collection of seeds; clearing of vegetation; mulching; stripping and stockpiling of topsoil; earthworks, including disposal of surplus spoil; re-spreading of topsoil; spreading of mulch; construction of the road; and management of adjacent land for conservation. Read more...Last updated: December 22, 2004
Roc Oil (WA) Limited proposes to develop the Cliff Head Oil Field located approximately 20 kilometres (km) south of Dongara. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2004
Australian Gold Reagents Pty Ltd (AGR) proposes a review of its Ministerial conditions relating to the manufacture, storage and transport of sodium cyanide in order to clarify their intent, remove obsolete or confusing aspects, update standard conditions and consolidate the relevant conditions into one Statement. Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2004
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has been required by the Minister for the Environment to provide further assessment on the proposal by James Point Pty Ltd (JPPL) to construct and operate a private container and general cargo Port (referred to as the Stage 1 Port) to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. See the original assessment here . Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2004
The proposal is to construct and operate Stage 1 of a container and general cargo port, consisting of dredged channels, turning basin and berthing pocket, a cargo wharf on reclaimed land, an off-shore breakwater and associated cargo handling facilities, to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. The land area to be developed is located in the Kwinana Industrial Area within the Town of Kwinana. It is envisaged that the port will handle a range of cargoes, notably livestock, though other... Read more...Last updated: October 28, 2004
The proposed Denison 3D Seismic survey, which is proposed to commence in the fourth quarter of 2004, will take place within a survey area with an estimated gross area of approximately 394 square kilometres (39400 hectares). Approximately 782 hectares (2% of the gross area) will be directly accessed by survey activities. Approximately 11,455 hectares (29% of the gross survey area) occurs in nature reserves and a further 9,900 hectares (25% of the gross survey area) supports native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: October 13, 2004
The proposal is to establish a Resource Recovery Facility (RRF) to process 100 ,00 tonnes per annum of municipal solid waste (MSW) in the Neerabup Industrial Area (NIA), City of Wanneroo Read more...Last updated: September 29, 2004
The proposal involves the construction, deepening and extension of shipping channels, a swing basin and berth pockets for the passage and docking of ships by dredging of approximately 3.1 million cubic metres of earth and rock material from the sea bottom. The dredge materials will be disposed of to designated sites on land and on the ocean floor. Read more...Last updated: September 20, 2004
Proposal to subdivide approximately 89 hectares of land being Lot 502 bounded by North Lake, Phoenix and Sudlow Roads and a rail reserve, for industrial and mixed business purposes. The proponent for the proposal is the Western Australian Land Authority trading as LandCorp (LandCorp). Read more...Last updated: September 15, 2004
Mt Barker Nominees Pty Ltd is seeking to undertake a housing development on Lot 1580 Warton Road, Southern River. This would result in the taking of seven plants of the threatened species, Caladenia huegelii, and clearing of approximately 3.3 hectares of potential habitat for this species. In addition, this proposal is linked to a local conservation strategy whereby the State Government will purchase Lots 100 and 101 and create a permanent reserve for the protection of, Caladenia huegelii, .... Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2004
Request under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, by three proponents to extend the time limit of their three environmental approvals for their clay excavation operations in Upper Swan for a further ten years. The operations are located close to each other in Upper Swan, Perth. Read more...Last updated: July 9, 2004
Water Corporation proposes to upgrade the capacity of the Perth Metropolitan Desalination Proposal from the originally approved 30 GL per year to 45 GL per year for the Kwinana Power Station (KPS) site only. The proposed changes include increasing the use of seawater (from 220ML per day average to 300ML per day average), production of potable water (from greater than 100ML per day to greater than 150ML per day) and discharge of concentrated seawater (from 120ML to 180ML per day (weekly average... Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2004
The proposal is to construct an international standard motorsports complex in Picton, near Bunbury. This comprises a racing circuit, pit area, rally and off-road testing facility, grandstand, control centre, and associated roads and car parks. It is intended that accommodation and a racing technology park will be constructed at a later date. However, these will be subject to separate assessment, as will the use of the complex for other purposes, such as concerts. Read more...Last updated: June 25, 2004
Proposal by the Water Corporation to construct a Water Treatment Plant in Mundaring and Water Storage Tanks in Sawyers Valley. Read more...Last updated: May 28, 2004
Inquiry under Section 46(3) of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, on Ridgepoynt Pty Ltd’s (formerly Centurion North West Pty Ltd) proposal to allow a time extension to remediate the Tonkin Park Stage II site in accordance with the Ministerial conditions set out in Statement No. 539 issued on the 24 February 2000. Read more...Last updated: May 27, 2004
Inquiry under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to the Telfer Project power suppy and infrastruction corridor.The recommended change to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 605 will reduce the length of open trench permitted for the approved project from 60 km to 20 km and accordingly reduce the level of fauna mortality experienced during the construction of the pipeline. Read more...