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Last updated: April 19, 1993
Inquiry under s46 into a proposal to amend the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 55 to increase the extent of reclamation. Read more...Last updated: April 6, 1993
The land proposed to be developed as part of the Northport and Eastport proposals involves land currently in the ownership of the proponent and land currently under the ownership of State Government authorities which is to be transferred to the proponent under an existing land exchange agreement. The proposal also involves the creation of an additional 11ha of land, proposed to be reclaimed from the Harvey Estuary. Read more...Last updated: April 6, 1993
Inquiry under s46 into proposed amendments to changes to Ministerial Statement 234 issued on 2 April 1992, for Western Collieries Ltd's Premier coalmine project. The changes relate to Environmental Condition 6, which sets noise limits, and on an arbitration procedure which applies to all Environmental Conditions. Read more...Last updated: March 17, 1993
The proposal is for Stage 1 of an urban and canal development beside Dawesville Channel, Mandurah. The area proposed to be developed as part of the Southport proposal involves land currently in the ownership of the proponent, and land currently under the ownership of State government authorities which is to be transferred to the proponent under an existing legal agreement. The proposal will also impact on a portion of 'A' Class Crown Reserve No. 2851, known as Caddadup Reserve. This... Read more...Last updated: March 17, 1993
H A & KM Athorn (the proponent) received approval from the Minister for the Environment to develop a non organic (dry) landfill at Reserve 25252, Wanneroo Road, Nowergup on 7 June 1991 subject to a number of legally binding Environmental Conditions ( Ministerial Statement 145 ). The site has been operational since early September 1991 and is expected to be operational for only a few more months. In providing a definition of dry inert materials which would be acceptable at the site, the... Read more...Last updated: March 15, 1993
The proposal is for a marina development and a rezoning proposal for land-based development. It has been referred following a period of negotiation and discussion between various State and local government agencies involved with the Bunbury Harbour City Concept and the City of Bunbury Town Planning Scheme No 6 Amendment No 82. Amendment No 82 has since been withdrawn from the environmental assessment process. The marina development includes construction of a causeway between the Outer Harbour... Read more...Last updated: March 5, 1993
The proposal is for the development of a church and school on Lot 68 Bertram Road, Wellard. The proponent has indicated that they wish to commence construction of Stage One of the proposal which includes two classrooms and an ablution block. Condition 2 of Ministerial Statement 160 states that: "Prior to use, the proponent shall connect both the church and the school to a reticulated sewerage service." It is intended to connect to reticulated sewerage via a pump station which will be... Read more...Last updated: February 4, 1993
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine at Yarrie, located approximately 200 km east south-east of Port Hedland, Western Australia. The proposal is an extension of BHP's existing Goldsworthy iron ore operations which include mining deposits at Shay Gap, Nimingarra and Sunrise Hill. The high grade iron ore reserves at these current mines are nearly depleted. The proposal to mine approximately 35 million tonnes of iron ore over a period of about six years includes an extension... Read more...Last updated: February 2, 1993
This inquiry under s46 is in regard to a proposal for further modifications to the Yakabindie Nickel Project (currently approved under Ministerial Statement 142 ) to incorporate a new open pit and associated waste dump area, and an expansion of the Six Mile pit. The new open pit is known as the Goliath North pit and is located to the south-east of the Six Mile pit. The Six Mile pit is to be expanded which would increase its ore reserves by about 10%. The combined increase in ore reserves from... Read more...Last updated: February 2, 1993
The West Coast Highway has a record of accidents in the vicinity of Challenger Parade in South City Beach. The local community has indicated distress at the frequency of accidents, both reported and unreported. To improve safety, the City of Perth and Main Roads have been investigating options for the realignment of the section of West Coast Highway between Rochdale Road and Helston A venue. This proposal has the potential to degrade the values recommended for conservation in the System 6... Read more...Last updated: January 29, 1993
The proposal is to extend existing shell grit Reserve No. 41076 northwards to a total of 13.4 kilometres along the beach on the east side of L'Haridon Bight. The extended reserve would be about 197 hectares, more than seven times its current size. The proposal includes a change in extraction method from digging pits to "harvesting" the top 0.3-1.6 metres of shell grit. Reserve No. 41076 is vested in the Shire of Shark Bay for the purpose of "Quarry (Shell Grit)" and is... Read more...Last updated: January 21, 1993
The proposal is to develop three small ore bodies to the east of the main ore body at the Boddington Gold Mine. The three small ore bodies are known as the Eastern Anomalies and it is proposed to mine them as an extension of the existing mining operation. The Boddington Gold Mine is located approximately 13 kilometres north-west of the town of Boddington in the South West region of Western Australia. The Eastern Anomalies area is located outside of the 34 Mile Brook catchment in which the main... Read more...Last updated: January 19, 1993
Western Minerals N. L. (the proponent) has identified a bentonite clay resource in a series of lake beds in the Watheroo area, some 250km north of Perth. Approval for mining of all but one of the deposits has already been obtained and approval for processing the ore material is pending normal processes under the Mining Act. One of the lakes, called Lake E, is within the Watheroo National Park and, under the provisions of the Government's Resolution of Conflict policy, an area including... Read more...Last updated: January 14, 1993
The Murrayfield Airpark development proposal is sited 10km north-east of Mandurah on lots 11 and 12 Nambeelup Road, Nambeelup. The total area of these holdings is approximately 190 ha. The proposal is to amend the Shire of Murray Town Planning Scheme to permit the construction of an airpark, comprising a resort complex, expanded airstrip utilities and a golfcourse. The existing provision restricts development to rural land uses only, a zoning which permits the operation of a rural airstrip. Read more...Last updated: January 12, 1993
The proposal is to develop Lot 1001 Singleton, a 106 hectare area of land to the north and east of the existing township of Singleton within the City of Rockingham. This involves the rezoning of land which is currently almost entirely zoned Urban Deferred to Urban. As part of the proposal, the proponent has prepared a structure plan for Singleton which includes the major land uses of; Residential, Public Open Space, primary school, community center, resort hotel, and retirement village (Tingay... Read more...Last updated: January 12, 1993
The proposal is to develop 163.6 hectares of land to the north and east of the existing township of Golden Bay for Urban purposes. The land is currently mostly zoned Urban Deferred. A structure plan prepared for the proposal indicates that the major land uses proposed are; Residential, Regional Open Space, Local Open Space, primary school, roads, neighbourhood centre, community uses, tourist uses, and a service station (Alan Tingay & Associates, 1992). The Authority understands that this is... Read more...