This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: November 15, 1993
The proposal is to construct a marina at the north eastern end of the Dawesville Channel, adjoining the planned Eastport canal estate, which has been the subject of a separate assessment by the Authority (EPA Bulletin 671, January 1993). The marina is proposed to be located in part on land reclaimed as a result of construction of the Dawesville Channel, which has already been granted environmental approval. Read more...Last updated: November 2, 1993
The proposal is to upgrade and widen the Brookton Highway between Armadale and Brookton. At present the road has a safety problem because the road and its gravel verges are narrow, there are sharp corners and the surface is hilly and rough. A portion of the Highway passes through an area of State Forest which was identified as potentially valuable for conservation by the Environmental Protection Authority in its System 6 'Red Book' report of 1983 (recommendation C37). The values of... Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1993
The proposal is to export 1.5 million tonnes of iron ore per annum through the port of Esperance. The ore would be mined by Portman mining at Koolyanobbing and transported by Westrail via the rail link through Kambalda, Norseman and Salmon Gums to the port of Esperance for loading onto ships. The Portman Mining Koolyanobbing iron ore mining venture was separately referred to the Environmental Protection Authority previously. It was determined that it would be subject to Works Approval and... Read more...Last updated: September 30, 1993
The proposal is to extend the existing Safety Bay Road so that it becomes a major east-west link road between the eventual extension of the Kwinana Freeway beyond its currently planned termination at Thomas Road Kwinana, to Ennis Avenue and the established residential areas of Waikiki and Warnbro. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 1993
Inquiry under s46 into a proposal to amend the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 55 to increase the extent of reclamation. Read more...Last updated: April 6, 1993
The land proposed to be developed as part of the Northport and Eastport proposals involves land currently in the ownership of the proponent and land currently under the ownership of State Government authorities which is to be transferred to the proponent under an existing land exchange agreement. The proposal also involves the creation of an additional 11ha of land, proposed to be reclaimed from the Harvey Estuary. Read more...Last updated: March 15, 1993
The proposal is for a marina development and a rezoning proposal for land-based development. It has been referred following a period of negotiation and discussion between various State and local government agencies involved with the Bunbury Harbour City Concept and the City of Bunbury Town Planning Scheme No 6 Amendment No 82. Amendment No 82 has since been withdrawn from the environmental assessment process. The marina development includes construction of a causeway between the Outer Harbour... Read more...Last updated: February 2, 1993
The West Coast Highway has a record of accidents in the vicinity of Challenger Parade in South City Beach. The local community has indicated distress at the frequency of accidents, both reported and unreported. To improve safety, the City of Perth and Main Roads have been investigating options for the realignment of the section of West Coast Highway between Rochdale Road and Helston A venue. This proposal has the potential to degrade the values recommended for conservation in the System 6... Read more...