This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
Visit Environment Online Portal if you cannot locate a specific proposal here.
Last updated: September 18, 1998
The proposal is for the subdivision of part Lot 402, Rae Road, Rockingham for Residential and Commercial Purposes and the ceding of the Parks and Recreation reserve and the important regional road reserve to the Crown. Read more...Last updated: March 15, 1996
The proposal is to place contaminated materials into an enlarged portion of an engineered containment cell located onsite at McCabe Street in Mosman Park. The proponent wishes to increase the size of the containment cell and to amend the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 338 relating to removal of drainage outfalls at the site. This is the inquiry under s46 into the requested amendments. Read more...Last updated: February 10, 1992
Proposal by Homeswest to develop a 20 ha site in Brixton street, Kenwick. Under the proposalm 12 ha would be developed for a mix of housing densities and open space with the remainder being ceded to the Department of Conservation and Land Management for management as a conservation reserve. Read more...Last updated: September 24, 1991
The proponents, the City of Cockburn, propose to duplicate a section of Farrington Road, approximately 450 m long from just west of Murdoch drive to approximately 150 m west of Bibra Drive to increase the number of lanes from two to four. The work will be carried out within the existing road reserve with the new carriage way to be constructed to the north of the existing one. Read more...Last updated: June 26, 1989
The State Planning Commission has proposed an amendment to the Metropolitan Regional Scheme (MRS) to create the reserve for the Kwinana Freeway extension from Thomas Road to the southern boundary of the Metropolitan Region, north east of Mandurah. Read more...