This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
Visit Environment Online Portal if you cannot locate a specific proposal here.
Last updated: October 7, 2024
Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 (EP 371) within the Shire of Derby, West Kimberley. The proposal area is located approximately 123 kilometres south east of the town of Derby. The proposal comprises the construction of up to twenty wells in a region of the Canning Basin that has been previously surveyed and explored for petroleum purposes. The proposal is... Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2022
Questdale Holdings Pty. Ltd. (the proponent) are proposing to clear vegetation for bushfire fuel reduction and to extend an existing sand quarry extraction operation within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. The proposal area consists of 43.67 hectares (ha) and is located on freehold land. The proponent proposes to extract sand at a rate of 195,000 tonnes per annum for a period of 10 years. Excavated material will be screened prior to loading. The proponent proposes to clear approximately... Read more...