This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 2, 2016
The proposal is to construct, operate and maintain a 1.5 km section of Keane road between Anstey and Skeet roads, Forrestdale. The proposal is located within Bush Forever Site 342 (approximately 369 hectares (ha)), which meets all six of the EPA’s criteria for the identification of regionally significant natural areas, contains one of the largest remaining areas of damplands of high conservation value on the Swan Coastal Plain, and is the largest consolidated area of Southern River vegetation... Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2013
The proposal is to subdivide Lot 504 Lexia Avenue, Upper Swan into three rural lots. The EPA considers that the proposal, as described, cannot meet the EPA’s environmental objectives for: specially protected (threatened) fauna; regionally significant vegetation, wetlands and watercourses; and surface water quality and quantity. Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2010
The Shire of Busselton proposes to build a road, known as Ford Road, across the Vasse Estuary. The road is currently an unsealed road (track). The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has previously reported on the environmental acceptability of constructing the road ( EPA Bulletin 940 ). In Bulletin 940, the EPA recommended that the proposal not be implemented as the proposal would not meet the EPA's objective in relation to waterbirds. The Shire of Busselton, as proponent, appealed... Read more...Last updated: May 15, 2009
The proponent, A D Contractors Pty Ltd, proposes to quarry granite at Lot 2036, Bird Road Torbay. The subject property is located in the City of Albany and is zoned rural under the Town Planning Scheme. Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2006
Proposal by Mr D J & Mrs R Winter to subdivide Lot 1613 Barrett Street, Southern River. Read more...Last updated: October 28, 2002
Proposal by Mr GM & Mrs CM White to subdivide their 24.6 hectare property, Lot 5 Lexia Avenue, Upper Swan into nine rural residential lots of greater than 2 hectares each. Read more...Last updated: July 9, 1999
Proposal to mine peat in Lake Tamworth which is located in Baldivis, approximately 40kms south of Perth. The lake is listed for protection in the Environmental Protection (Swan Coastal Plain Lakes) Policy which prohibits unauthorised filling, mining, drainage or effluent discharge into nominated wetlands. Read more...Last updated: April 6, 1998
The proposal is to rehabilitate the silica and concrete sand mine pit at Lot 166 Clifton Road, Canning Vale by establishing a golf course and recreation park. The proposal also includes an application to the Water and Rivers Commission for a well license to irrigate the proposed golf course. The site is located within the proclaimed Priority 2 Underground Water Pollution Control Area (UWPCA) of the Jandakot Water Mound and is within a Public Water Supply well field. Read more...Last updated: May 26, 1997
Mrs A MMW Bennett proposes to dredge a portion of the Swan River to provide access for a 25 m long motor boat to an underground private boatshed at Lot 55 Saunders Street Mosman Park. Access to the boatshed would involve cutting a channel through a portion of foreshore land privately owned to High Water Mark but reserved for 'Parks and Recreation'. Public access is proposed to be maintained along the foreshore across the channel via swing footbridge. Read more...Last updated: December 2, 1996
The original proposal was to subdivide Lot 6 Old Coast Road into eleven lots ranging in size from 2 hectares (ha) to 6 ha each. During the public review period for the draft criteria, the proponent modified the proposal and now proposes to subdivide Lot 6 into 9 lots averaging approximately 4 ha. The proposal is located within the Lake Clifton catchment area. Lake Clifton is one of the most significant wetlands in Western Australia due to its international importance as a waterbird habitat and... Read more...Last updated: December 2, 1996
The proposal is for the the Rural subdivision of Lots 102-106 and Lot 152, Armstrong Hills Drive, Shire of Waroona, within the catchment of Lake Clifton, Western Australia. The proposed subdivision lies in two sections to the east and west of an existing special rural subdivision. Lot 152 comprises the eastern portion and it is proposed to subdivide it into 11 lots of approximately 2 ha each. Lot 152 is in the Peel-Harvcy catchment. Environmental conditions in relation to its development are... Read more...Last updated: March 19, 1992
Proposal for the rural subdivision of Lot 2 of Peel Estate being Lot 820 corner of Utley and Westcott Roadsm Serpentine, Shire of Serpentine/Jarrahdale. Read more...Last updated: February 10, 1992
Proposal by Homeswest to develop a 20 ha site in Brixton street, Kenwick. Under the proposalm 12 ha would be developed for a mix of housing densities and open space with the remainder being ceded to the Department of Conservation and Land Management for management as a conservation reserve. Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proponent, J Mazza, proposes to subdivide and develop Lot 219 on Myall Road, Jandakot to create 9 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2 ha to 2.17 ha. The site is currently zoned "Special Rural" under the City of Cockburn's Town Planning Scheme No. 2 with corresponding special provisions designed to regulate land use. Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
Rural residential rezoning, subdivision and development of Lots 395 and 400 Beenyup Road, Jandakot Read more...Last updated: November 11, 1991
Rural Subdivision of Lots 106 and 107 Anketell, Thomas and Nicholson roads. Read more...