This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 20, 2002
The proposal is for construction and operation of a methanol plant of 1.05 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) nominal capacity, at Withnell East industrial area on the Burrup Peninsula The proposal includes the installation of a gas supply pipeline, product pipeline, seawater supply pipeline and wastewater discharge pipeline to be situated in infrastructure corridors for which the Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MPR) will be proponent. The plant footprint will occupy approximately... Read more...Last updated: September 13, 2002
The proposal being assessed is for the diversion of 8 gigalitres a year (on average) (GL/yr) of unallocated water resources in the Samson Catchment to be diverted for public water supply, the construction of a pipe head dam and related infrastructure. The Samson Brook Redevelopment Scheme is a key element of the Water Corporation’s drought recovery plan. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2002
The proposal is to develop a raw sugar industry on the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains. The M2 Project is located near Kununurra within the Victoria-Bonaparte Biogeographic Region and the project area extends over approximately 76,000 ha of land comprising the Weaber, Keep River and Knox Creek Plains, and involves approximately equal areas within WA and the NT. The proposal has been assessed in two parts: biodiversity and management. This assessment is of the management component. See... Read more...Last updated: November 14, 2001
The proposed airport will be located in a site approximately 12 km north-east of Broome townsite. The proposal involves the construction of one main runway, parallel taxiway, turning nodes, apron parking, general aviation parking, maintenance and storage hangers and fuel storage. It also includes domestic and international terminals, land-side and airside commercial activities and a short future parallel runway for light aircraft. Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2001
The proposal is for a large-scale nickel and cobalt mining and processing operation which will involve the mining and processing of up to 15 million dry tonnes per annum (Mtpa) of lateritic ore to produce approximately 60,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of nickel and up to 8,000 tpa of cobalt. The ore will be mined at Marshall Pool, 55 km south-south-east of Leinster, and Lawlers, 10 km south of Leinster. Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2000
The proposal is to construct and operate an extension to the Bibra Lake Main Sewer. Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2000
Subdivision of Lots 1 and 2 Baldivis Road, City of Rockingham. Read more...Last updated: October 29, 1999
Proposal to redevelop the Harvey and Stirling Reservoir system in order to divert an additional quantity of water from the Harvey Basin for the Perth Metropolitan Water Supply Scheme (PMWSS). The proposal involves the construction of a new pipeline from Harris Sam to Stirling Reservoir to enable transfer of water. Read more...Last updated: May 5, 1998
The proposal is to develop a soccer and recreation facility at lot 14 Progress Drive, Bibra Lake. The development is proposed for council owned land, within the Beliar Regional Park and System 6 Reserve M93 and the land proposed to be developed is zoned "Parks and Recreation". Read more...Last updated: December 19, 1997
The proposal is to manage an additional 67 ,500m 3 of contaminated material as part of the rehabilitation of former industrial land at McCabe Street, Mosman Park . Clean-up of this industrial land commenced in 1995 and has been subject to three previous assessments (EPA Bulletins 324, 699 and 807). The proponents are seeking to amend the existing conditions of approval ( Ministerial Statement 338 ) under Section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, to allow for disposal of the... Read more...Last updated: May 26, 1997
Mrs A MMW Bennett proposes to dredge a portion of the Swan River to provide access for a 25 m long motor boat to an underground private boatshed at Lot 55 Saunders Street Mosman Park. Access to the boatshed would involve cutting a channel through a portion of foreshore land privately owned to High Water Mark but reserved for 'Parks and Recreation'. Public access is proposed to be maintained along the foreshore across the channel via swing footbridge. Read more...Last updated: April 9, 1996
The proponent, Tiwest Joint Venture (Tiwest), seeks an amendment to the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 59 under Section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, , to allow the synthetic rutile plant at Chandala an increase in nameplate production from 130,000 to 200,000 tonnes per annum (tpa) of synthetic rutile. The plant was originally assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) in December 1988 and was approved by the Minister for the Environment to build... Read more...Last updated: March 26, 1996
The proposal is to construct and operate a Direct Reduction/Hot Briquetted Iron plant near Cape Lambert in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposed plant will utilise conventional and commercially proven ore concentration, pelletising and gas-based shaft furnace direct reduction technologies to convert Pilbara iron ore (fines and lump) into HBI. The production capacity of the plant is expected to be 3.6 million tonnes per year (Mtpa) of HBI. The project may be developed in stages... Read more...