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Last updated: July 25, 2018
Pardoo Beef Corporation Pty Ltd proposes to develop a centre-pivot irrigated feed crop production facility. Centre-pivot irrigation is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers. The proposal is approximately 100km east-northeast of Port Hedland and 365km south west of Broome. The proposal is for stage 3 and would include a total disturbance of 368 hectares development envelope. Read more...Last updated: April 9, 2018
City of Busselton proposes to construct a new route into Busselton. The proposal involves the development of a new two-lane road and bridge linking Causeway Road to Cammilleri Street, including a new bridge over the Vasse river. Disturbance associated with the proposal would include construction on the banks of the Vasse River and removal of 0.56 hectares of native vegetation. Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2018
Griffin Power Pty Ltd, proposes to construct and operate a 200MW coal-fired power station known as the Bluewaters Power Station Phase II (Bluewaters II) adjacent to the proposed Bluewaters Power Station (Bluewaters I) on a site located approximately 4km north-east of Collie. It would be a subcritical coal-fired base-load generation facility with a nominal generating capacity of up to 200MW. The Bluewaters II Power Station would supplement the Bluewaters I Power Station and supply electricity... Read more...Last updated: December 13, 2017
The proposal is to extend the Kwinana Freeway 2x2 lane, dual carriageway from Forrest Road to Thomas Road, with major on and off ramps at Russel/Gibbs Roads, Rowley Road, Hope Valley Road and Thomas Road. Provision for upgrading the freeway to a 2x3 lane dual carriageway has been included in the proposal. It has also been proposed to incorporate a dual use path within the freeway reserve, located to the west of the road surface. The alignment of the Forrest Road to Thomas Road section of the... Read more...Last updated: November 27, 2017
Plantrite Nursery has applied to the City of Swan for retrospective planning approval for the expansion of its existing 5 hectare (ha) native plant nursery on Lot 88 Bingham Road Bullsbrook (Lot 88). This expansion is proposed to be completed over two stages totalling 10.67 ha; Stage 1 covering 4.76 ha and Stage 2 covering 5.91 ha. However approximately 2.5 ha of Stage 1 has already been constructed. The expansion will also require a new groundwater abstraction licence. Stage 2 is only proposed... Read more...Last updated: November 24, 2017
Section 46 Change to Conditions withdrawn 24 November 2017. Read more...Last updated: June 6, 2017
The proposal is to construct and operate a freeway-standard dual carriageway between the Reid Highway/Tonkin Highway junction and the Great Northern Highway at Muchea. Read more...Last updated: April 3, 2017
The Western Australian Planning Commission and the City of Armadale propose to develop a water-based recreation park incorporating an international rowing course and other facilities including a residential component on land situated on Lake Road in the City of Armadale. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2017
The Water Corporation proposes the construction and operation of the Balannup Pressure Main, a 4.5 km wastewater pressure main from the Collared Street Pump Station to the Waterworks Road Pump Station in Armadale. Read more...Last updated: January 25, 2017
The proposal involves the development and operation of a 750 Mt iron ore mine, processing facility and associated infrastructure within mining leases M47/1414 and M47/1419. The project area is located approximately 100km north west of Newman in the Fortescue valley. The project area is approximately 15km south of the Fortescue Marsh, a wetland of national significance, and is intersected by Weeli Wolli Creek, which is a major Pilbara drainage system that discharges to the Marsh. Read more...Last updated: January 16, 2017
The proposal is to mine uranium ore from the Yeelirrie deposit, approximately 70 km south-west of Wiluna, and the construction of associated mine infrastructure, including ore processing facilities, water (includes borefield and corridors) abstraction and reinjection infrastructure, roads, accommodation, offices and workshops, stockpile and laydown areas and evaporation pond. Tailings would be discharged into the mine open pit. Read more...Last updated: January 9, 2017
Toro proposes to revise the Approved Project by developing Millipede and Lake Maitland uranium deposits and developing associated infrastructure. The Proposed Extension would result in the additional direct disturbance of approximately 1,582 hectares (ha) within an additional Development Envelope of approximately 3,891 ha. The Proposed Extension would include open mine pits at Millipede and Lake Maitland, in-pit tailings storage facility (TSF) at Millipede, accommodation village, workshop, run-... Read more...Last updated: December 16, 2016
The proposal is to mine four poly-metallic deposits containing commercial concentrations of uranium and to produce uranium oxide concentrate and other metal concentrates including copper, zinc, nickel and cobalt, approximately 240km east-northeast of Kalgoorlie. The proposal also includes the construction of associated mine infrastructure consisting of mine dewatering and reinjection infrastructure (including borefields and pipelines), non-mineralised overburden landforms, run of mine stockpile... Read more...Last updated: December 8, 2016
Cristal Australia Pty Ltd proposes the Wonnerup North Mineral Sands Project located approximately 10 kilometres east of Busselton, City of Busselton. The project would involve dry mining and processing of mineral sands ore from the Wonnerup North deposit at a rate of approximately 2.3 million tonnes (Mt) per annum over eight years. Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a single entrance onshore marina to accommodate up to 500 boat pens and moorings and a surrounding land development comprising tourism, commercial, public open space and residential land uses. Read more...Last updated: November 30, 2016
The Site is approximately 16.9 ha and is proposed to be remediated and regenerated. It was previously mined for building and construction sands and was later used as a licensed “inert” landfill. It has been reported that non-approved waste streams were disposed of at the Site. In October 2010 following a compliance inspection the Site was classified “Contaminated – Remediation Required” under Section 13 of the Contaminated Sites Act 2003 The proponent is proposing to redevelop the area by... Read more...Last updated: November 22, 2016
The Bunbury Port Authority has prepared this plan to guide future development and decision making within the Inner Harbour and to conform to the strategic planning requirements under the, Port Authorities Act 1999, . It will also provide greater certainty of land use and development for port users, the Bunbury Port Authority and other decision making authorities, neighbouring landowners and the community. Read more...