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Last updated: May 26, 2000
The proponent has notified to clear approximately 266 hectares (ha) of native vegetation on Fitzgerald Locations 470, 525, 527, 557 and 1480, north-west of Salmon Gums, Shire of Esperance Read more...Last updated: March 13, 2000
Aurex Pty Ltd in joint venture with Mr KJ Fitzgerald, proposes to mine gypsum at Red Lake, 46 km north-east of Merredin within Mining Lease application M77/528 which is a vacant Crown land "window" within the Lake Campion "C" Class Nature Reserve 24789. Read more...Last updated: October 17, 1999
Proposal to deviate the alignment of Kalamunda Road around the southern perimeter of the Guildford Cemetery. Read more...Last updated: August 30, 1999
Pacesetter Homes proposes to subdivide Lots 1588 and 10 Harpenden Street Southern River into 89 residential allotments. Read more...Last updated: June 4, 1999
The Western Australian Planning Commission proposes to rezone the majority of the Forrestfield Marshalling Yards to "Industrial" from the current Metropolitan Region Scheme reservation of "Railways" and to relocate the "Important Regional Road" (Dundas Road) to a site within the Forrestfield Marshalling Yards. Read more...Last updated: March 10, 1999
To clear approximately 183 hectares of native vegetation on Victoria Location 10323, Shire of Dandaragan. Read more...Last updated: October 16, 1998
The proposal is to clear 250 hectares of native vegetation on Plantagenet Location 6783 Branson Road, Shire of Plantagenet. Location 6783 is situated approximately 70 kms north east of Albany, immediately south of the Stirling Range National Park. Read more...Last updated: March 27, 1998
The proposal is for a 33 kilometre coastal road linking the town-sites of Cervantes and Jurien. Read more...Last updated: August 13, 1997
Proposed expansion of the Jimblebar iron ore mine (formerly known as McCamey’s Monster). The proposal by BHP Iron Ore (Jimblebar) Pty Ltd (the proponent) involves an increase in the mining rate from five to eight million tonnes per annum, and the expansion of both the scree and bedrock mining areas. Read more...Last updated: July 14, 1997
The proposal is to construct a pipeline fabrication site within the exrstmg Mardie Station Pastoral lease and existing Vacant Crown Land Reserve, approximately 45km south west of Dampier and 15km east of Cape Preston is detailed in the CER. Read more...Last updated: September 20, 1996
The proposal is to develop for special residential purposes Lyndon locations 222 and 223, approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth. The subject land is on the eastern shoreline of the Cape Range peninsula immediately inland of the coastal dunes and approximately 10 kilometres south of Exmouth. It is proposed to subdivide the land into 177 special residential lots, ranging in area from approximately 0.4 to 3.4 hectares. The EPA's report was released. The WAPC refused the planning... Read more...Last updated: May 8, 1996
The proposal is to develop an upgraded tailings storage facility (TSF) at the Mt Keith nickel mine, located approximately 100 kilometres north of Leinster in the north-eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia Mining. Processing of nickel ore commenced at Mt Keith in 1994. To date, two conventional paddock storage type tailings cells have been used to store tailings, and the proponent has approval to construct an additional two cells. In 1990, a feasibility study into centralised thickened... Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1996
The Tony Scolaro Family Trust intends to redevelop an existing caravan park into a Park Home Estate. The proposal will involve the construction of new infrastructure including 120 park homes (demountable houses), associated access roads, a new wastewater treatment plan and infiltration areas for stormwater and treated wastewater. Read more...Last updated: January 13, 1994
Rutherford Resources Pty Ltd proposes to develop a gold deposit in 'C' Class Nature Reserve No 18584 near Westonia, halfway between Southern Cross and Merredin in the eastern wheatbelt. The reserve has important conservation value due to the small area of land set aside for nature conservation in the wheatbelt. Mining is a potentially acceptable land use in 'C' Class Nature reserves under Government Policy if a proposal is considered to be environmentally acceptable. Read more...Last updated: May 13, 1992
An application for Renewal of Excavation Licence by Midland Brick Company Ltd was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority by the Shire of Swan in August 1990. the Authority assessed the environmental impact of the proposal by way of a Consultative Environmental Review in conjunction with four other nearby clay excavation proposals which, together with this proposal were thought to potentially impact on Ellen Brook Nature Reserve and to have common regional issues of rehabilitation... Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proponent, J Mazza, proposes to subdivide and develop Lot 219 on Myall Road, Jandakot to create 9 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2 ha to 2.17 ha. The site is currently zoned "Special Rural" under the City of Cockburn's Town Planning Scheme No. 2 with corresponding special provisions designed to regulate land use. Read more...Last updated: December 21, 1991
Proposal to remove an estimated 295,650 m 3 of sand from a pastured hill which runs east-west along the northern boundary of Lot 242 Corio Road, Pinjarra. Read more...Last updated: January 17, 1990
The Port Geographe proposal is a residential canal development with harbour, commercial centre and a conservation area. The site lies on the coast immediately east of the existing Busselton built up area, between the ocean foreshore to the north and the Vasse estuary to the south and east. The project site has a total area of 300 hectares. Approximately 114 hectares of the site is proposed to become conservation area and be transferred to the Crown. Read more...