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Last updated: December 23, 2024
De Grey Mining Ltd proposes to construct and operate the Hemi Gold Project (the Project) located approximately 85 km south of Port Hedland, in the Pilbara Region of WA. The Project involves the excavation of open pits, mine dewatering, surplus water management including reinjection and controlled discharge. Associated supporting infrastructure includes an integrated waste landform tailings storage facility, waste rock landforms, low-grade stockpiles, airstrip, accommodation village, sealed... Read more...Last updated: December 6, 2024
Aigle Royal propose to develop Lots 11 and 74 Beenyup Road, Banjup for residential development and conservation. The site adjoins Jandakot Regional Park. 10.25 hectares of the site is proposed for residential development and a wetland buffer. 23 hectares is proposed to be managed for conservation. Read more...Last updated: November 19, 2024
Saracen Properties Pty Ltd (representing 5 Star Margaret River Pty Ltd and The Beach Village Pty Ltd) proposes to develop various lots along Wallcliffe Road Gnarabup for a 121 room five star resort, and beach village comprising of short-stay accommodation, residential dwellings and commercial premises. The proposal development envelope is 8.11 hectares. The proposal is located on the western side of Wallcliffe Road, Gnarabup Beach. Following the seven day public comment period and consideration... Read more...Last updated: October 7, 2024
Bennett Resources is proposing to undertake an unconventional exploration drilling and hydraulic fracture stimulation program within Petroleum Exploration Permit EP 371 (EP 371) within the Shire of Derby, West Kimberley. The proposal area is located approximately 123 kilometres south east of the town of Derby. The proposal comprises the construction of up to twenty wells in a region of the Canning Basin that has been previously surveyed and explored for petroleum purposes. The proposal is... Read more...Last updated: September 4, 2023
K plus S Salt Australia Pty Ltd is seeking approval to construct and operate a 3.5 million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) Solar Salt Project located approximately 40 km south-west of the township of Onslow, within the Shire of Ashburton. Read more...Last updated: September 6, 2022
Questdale Holdings Pty. Ltd. (the proponent) are proposing to clear vegetation for bushfire fuel reduction and to extend an existing sand quarry extraction operation within Lots 2 and 10 Rowley Road, Mandogalup. The proposal area consists of 43.67 hectares (ha) and is located on freehold land. The proponent proposes to extract sand at a rate of 195,000 tonnes per annum for a period of 10 years. Excavated material will be screened prior to loading. The proponent proposes to clear approximately... Read more...Last updated: May 26, 2022
FQM Australia Nickel Pty Ltd proposes to change and expand its Ravensthorpe Nickel Operations near Bandalup Hill currently approved under Ministerial Statement 633 as follows: Expand Hale-Bopp mining operations by approximately 29 hectares into the, Kunzea similis, ssp., mediterranea, Community Conservation Area. Revise the alignment of the infrastructure corridor between the Shoemaker-Levy ore body and the processing area. Incorporate neutralised tailings to the reject rocks used to backfill... Read more...Last updated: April 5, 2022
Doyles Lime Service Pty Ltd proposes limestone and sand excavation approximately 4.5 km north of the Preston Beach townsite, Shire of Waroona. Read more...