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Last updated: August 29, 2024
The proposal is for Alcoa’s bauxite mining activities on the Darling Range in the southwest of Western Australia spanning the years 2023 to 2027. These activities occur within Alcoa’s Mineral Lease 1SA (ML1SA) and are documented in annual rolling five-year Mining and Management Programs (MMPs) required under a State Agreement Act framework. A 2023-27 MMP has not yet been approved through the State Agreement Act framework but activities are still proposed to be undertaken during this time, and... Read more...Last updated: August 29, 2024
The proposal is for Alcoa’s bauxite mining activities on the Darling Range in the southwest of Western Australia spanning the years 2022 to 2026. These activities occur within Alcoa’s Mineral Lease 1SA (ML1SA) and are documented in annual rolling five-year Mining and Management Programs (MMPs) required under a State Agreement Act framework. The 2022-26 MMP was approved, subject to exclusions, through the State Agreement Act framework in September 2022, and the proposal is currently being... Read more...Last updated: July 8, 2024
Strike West Pty Ltd propose to extract gas from the West Erregulla gas field by constructing and operating a gathering system to connect its gas field and convey the extracted gas to an upstream separating facility. The proposal will supply gas to a third party operated gas processing facility, subject to separate approvals. The proposal is located within the Shires of Three Springs and Mingenew in the Midwest region of Western Australia, approximately 50 kilometres (km) south-east of Dongara... Read more...Last updated: July 4, 2024
Audalia Resources Limited (Audalia) is proposing to construct and operate a vanadium, titanium and iron ore mine approximately 100 kilometres (km) west of Norseman, Western Australia (WA). The Medcalf Project, located in the Bremer Range, Lake Johnston region of Western Australia, approximately 470 km east south-east of Perth. The proposal includes three separate open pits and requires up to 650 ha of native vegetation clearing. Mining will occur above groundwater. The proposal includes the... Read more...Last updated: June 25, 2024
Tellus Holdings Ltd are proposing to increase the tonnage of waste accepted at the Sandy Ridge Facility from the current approved (Ministerial Statement 1078) 100,000 tonnes per annum to up to 280,000 tonnes per annum for permanent isolation in the Site’s waste disposal cells. The Proposal will occur within the existing and approved development envelope as outlined in Ministerial Statement 1078 Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2024
Main Roads is proposing to upgrade and widen Anketell Road to an Expressway Standard for approximately 7.5 km between Leath Road and Kwinana Freeway in the City of Kwinana, WA. The Proposal will include grade separated interchanges at six locations, grade separation of road over rail at two locations and other supporting road infrastructure . Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2024
Image Resources NL is seeking to develop a greenfields mineral sands project, located at Nambung, approximately 18 km east of Cervantes in the Wheatbelt region of Western Australia (WA). The proposal includes the progressive development of mine pits, processing facilities, groundwater bores and water management infrastructure, temporary waste dumps, solar drying ponds and associated infrastructure (power supply, communications, workshop, laydown, offices etc.). Two alternative mining methods... Read more...Last updated: April 24, 2024
Re-opening of an iron ore mine; construction of associated infrastructure and a port facility on Koolan Island; and subsequent rehabilitation and decommissioning of the site. Read more...Last updated: April 19, 2024
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to extend the existing Joondalup railway line by 7.3 kilometres from Butler Station to the suburb of Eglinton in the City of Wanneroo. The proposal is to construct and operate the rail extension and includes two new intermodal (rail, bus, ‘park and ride’, ‘kiss and ride’, walk and cycle) transit stations at Alkimos and Eglinton. The PTA will operate train services between Perth and Eglinton Stations and bus services from the Alkimos and Eglinton... Read more...Last updated: April 2, 2024
DevelopmentWA is seeking to develop the Kemerton Strategic Industrial Area (KSIA) for the purpose of industrial and infrastructure development as a strategic proposal. The KSIA is located within the Shire of Harvey, 17 kilometres north of Bunbury. The KSIA key characteristics are: Development of the Kemerton Strategic industry Zone (Industry Core) which is approximately 2,024 hectares (ha). There is an approximate 50-year time period for development. Ultimate land use proposed is to be heavy... Read more...Last updated: March 26, 2024
Mt Weld Mining Pty Ltd proposes to expand the Mt Weld Mine, which includes the construction and operation of a rare earths mine and processing plant, to its life of mine extent. The expansion proposes to increase the development envelope from the currently approved 505 hectares (ha) to 2,802 ha, to allow for expansion of infrastructure and activities, including: a staged transition from diesel fuelled power generation to gas hybrid renewable (including solar and battery energy storage, and... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 2024
Caravel Minerals Limited is seeking to develop the Caravel Copper Project, located in the Western Australian (WA) Wheatbelt approximately 150 km north of Perth. The Proposal will produce copper concentrate, which will be transported to port by road. The Proposal includes mine pits, waste rock landforms, tailings storage, ore processing and transfer infrastructure and associated infrastructure such as workshops, laydown areas, landfill, communications, offices, ablutions, wastewater treatment,... Read more...Last updated: March 8, 2024
Image Resources NL proposes to develop a mineral sands extraction project south of Orange Springs Road, Cowalla (Shire of Gingin). The proposal includes progressive and linear dredge mining of the sand resource operating over a 10-year period and the development of temporary waste dumps and tailings storage, processing facilities, solar drying ponds, water supply infrastructure and associated supporting infrastructure. The proposed mine disturbance area is approximately 950 hectares (ha) within... Read more...Last updated: March 7, 2024
The proposal is to expand CSBP's Kwinana Ammonium Nitrate Production Facility (ANPF) by incorporating additional components into the existing facility and re-engineering (debottlenecking) some existing components in order to increase ammonium nitrate production capacity from 520,000 tpa to 936,000 tpa. Read more...Last updated: March 5, 2024
Technology Metals Australia are looking to develop the Gabanintha Vanadium Project. The Gabanintha Vanadium Project is located within WA’s Mid-West region, approximately 615 km north-east of Perth and 40 km south-east of Meekatharra, adjacent to the Meekatharra-Sandstone Road. The proposal includes development of multiple vanadium deposits (Far North, North, and Central) via open pit mining. Supporting infrastructure for the Project includes waste rock landforms (WRLs), mineralised waste... Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2024
The, Southern Forest Irrigation Scheme, proposal involves taking water from the Donnelly River to irrigate land for horticultural and agricultural production in the southern forests region around Manjimup and Pemberton. The proposal is to construct and operate a water offtake (pump station) adjacent to the Donnelly River, a reservoir on Record Brook (a tributary of the Donnelly River), two header dams and a network of distribution water pipelines and associated infrastructure to supply water to... Read more...Last updated: February 23, 2024
The proposal, located 280km south east of Halls Creek and 20km west of the Western Australian-Northern Territory border, involves producing approximately 400,000t of ore for gold production from two open pits, Sandpiper and Kookaburra. The ore will be provided for blending with ore from underground mining at the existing operation (Coyote Stage 1). No crushing or processing will be conducted on site and infrastructure will be minimal. Both pits will be mined below the watertable and will not be... Read more...Last updated: February 13, 2024
The Pilbara Infrastructure Pty Ltd., a subsidiary of Fortescue Metals Group, proposes to construct and operate a railway of 106 kilometres (km) and associated infrastructure. The East Hamersley Railway Project includes communications and signalling infrastructure, an ore loading facility, groundwater abstraction and discharge, borrow pits and quarries, culverts, bridges, diversion drains, pump station, construction camp, landfills and wastewater treatment plants, and other supporting... Read more...Last updated: February 13, 2024
Chichester Metals Pty Ltd, a subsidiary of Fortescue Metals Group, proposes to develop and operate an iron ore mine approximately 80 kilometres north-west of Newman. The Nyidinghu Iron Ore Mine proposal includes mine pits above and below the water table, an on-site ore processing from various sources, waste rock and tailings storage, an aerodrome, groundwater abstraction, surplus water management including aquifer recharge and other supporting infrastructure. The proposal has a development... Read more...Last updated: February 2, 2024
The revised proposal is to develop a pegmatite-hosted lithium deposit at the abandoned Mt Holland Mine Site, in a Development Envelope of 3,996 ha. The Proposal involves new clearing of up to 1,885 ha of native vegetation, and use of existing cleared/disturbed land, infrastructure including a mine pit, waste rock landforms, tailings storage facility, processing plant, airstrip, accommodation village, water storage facilities, power generation infrastructure and associated infrastructure., The... Read more...