This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: December 20, 2012
The proposal is for seven borrow pits in the Millstream Chichester National Park (MCNP) where up to 118 hectares (ha) will be disturbed, of which 90 ha is within the national park and the remainder in the excised rail corridor. All borrow pits within the MCNP are within existing Rio Tinto Iron Ore licence areas granted under the, Mining Act 1978, (Robe River Mining Company is a subsidiary of Rio Tinto) and all borrow material will only be used for projects or portions of projects that are... Read more...Last updated: December 17, 2012
Empire is proposing to conduct a 3D seismic survey over the Gingin Gas Fields including parts of the Boonanarring and Bartlett's Well nature reserves, utilising a helicopter assisted or 'heliportable' technique, transporting drilling and seismic receiver equipment by a long-line, suspended beneath a helicopter. The equipment is lowered into position and released at pre-programmed points. Charges are detonated one at a time and seismic data is recorded. Site remediation and site... Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2012
The proposal is for mining of iron ore below the watertable from the Orebody 23 deposit on the Ophthalmia Range, including de-watering operations, approximately 13 kilometres north-east of Newman, Shire of East Pilbara. Read more...Last updated: October 22, 2012
To develop an open-cut vanadium mine and process plant at Barrambie, 75 kilometres north-west of the Sandstone townsite and 116 kilometres south-east of Meekatharra Read more...Last updated: October 4, 2012
Request to change implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 126 . Read more...Last updated: September 17, 2012
The proposal is to construct infill sewerage infrastructure within an existing built-up area in the location of Ravenswood. The new infrastructure would service 54 residences that are currently utilising septic tanks and leach drains and are all situated in close proximity to the Murray River. The key components of the proposal involve: construction of approximately 1.3 km of dual pressure 100 mm diameter sewer pipelines and 1.5 km of gravity sewer pipeline; construction of a 'Type 1 0... Read more...Last updated: September 10, 2012
The proposal is for exploration activities on mining leases E47/1301, E47/1302, E47/1196 and E47/2037, approximately 75 km north-west of Tom Price, Pilbara region. Read more...Last updated: September 10, 2012
The most significant impact of the proposed resource extraction involves the clearing of 219 hectares of native vegetation. A beneficial outcome of the proposal is the retention of 218ha of remnant native vegetation for conservation purposes, which includes: • Bush Forever sites 293 and 384 (119ha); and • Threatened Ecological Community (FCT 26a) and Priority Ecological Community (FCT24) (99ha). Read more...Last updated: August 29, 2012
The proposal is situated on Mining Leases M77/999 and M77/1000, approximately 130 kilometres north of Southern Cross in the Shire of Yilgarn. The proposal is to mine iron ore by open cut mining below the groundwater table in the portion of the W3/5 Deposit at Windarling Range. The depth of the open-cut mine will increase from nominally 400 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD) to nominally 315 metres AHD. Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2012
FMG Iron Bridge Limited proposes to develop the North Star Hematite Project (the Project), located approximately 110 km south of Port Hedland in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The Project includes a new mine with one open pit, one waste dump, processing area, accommodation camp, sewerage treatment, workshops, fuel storage and other associated mine infrastructure to enable extraction of oxide ore at a rate of up to 5.0 Mtpa for approximately 2.3 years. Ore will be processed through... Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2012
The proposal is for the construction of an onshore marina (and associated boating infrastructure e.g. boat pens, jetties, navigational aids, entrance channel, protective groynes, public boat ramps and car parks) on the western side of the Point Grey peninsula. The proposal also includes the construction of a 2.5 kilometre navigation channel across the Harvey Estuary from the marina to the Dawesville Channel. Read more...Last updated: July 24, 2012
The proposal is to develop and operate a direct shipping iron ore project in the Pilbara. The project involves the open-cut mining of eight small pits approximately 70 kilometres east of Port Hedland to obtain direct shipping ore quality haematite. Annual ore production will be 1.5 million tonnes. Read more...Last updated: June 19, 2012
The proposal is to construct and operate approximately 70 km of duplicate rail line and supporting infrastructure from the Cape Lambert Port facilities to Emu Siding. Read more...Last updated: May 30, 2012
The proposal is to clear up to 3.7 hectares of native vegetation for a limestone quarry, to screen the material on-site, re-establish an access road and rehabilitate all of the disturbed areas. Read more...Last updated: May 30, 2012
The proposal is for open-cut mining of iron ore (haematite) below the groundwater table at the currently mined W2 pit at Windarling, approximately 90 kilometres north-north-east of Koolyanobbing. The open-cut mine will require a depth increase of approximately 114 metres from nominally 402 metres Australian Height Datum (AHD) to 288 metres AHD. This will enable mining of an estimated six million tonnes of ore. Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2012
The project site is located approximately 15 kilometres south of Eneabba in the Shires of Coorow and Carnamah, Western Australia. The CWC Project involves open cut mining and supply of approximately 75 Mt of sub-bituminous grade coal to the proposed Coolimba Power Station at a rate of 2 to 2.5 Mtpa over 30 years. The South Eneabba Nature Reserve is at the southern end, east of the proposed mine, while the Lake Logue Nature Reserve is towards the northern end and on the western side of the... Read more...Last updated: May 4, 2012
Inquiry under s46 regarding amendments to the conditions of Ministerial Statement 805 . Read more...Last updated: May 2, 2012
The proposal is to supply power to an expanded mining operation at the Telfer Gold Mine. The proposed expansion of the Telfer Gold Mine associated with this proposal is being dealt with separately. That mine expansion is set out in a separate referral to the EPA (Newcrest Mining Limited 2002b). The mine expansion and power supply proposals have been separated because it is likely that the mine and power supply will eventually be operated by different proponents. Nevertheless, the proposals have... Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2012
The proposal is to increase the throughput of iron ore to 85 million tonnes per annum at the Cape Lambert Port operations. Read more...Last updated: April 2, 2012
The proposal is to expand Fortescue Metals' current operations within the Pilbara region, Western Australia to include the development of a new iron ore project, known as the Io Project, which is located within the Nyidinghu Study Area. The Project is located on Marillana Station approximately 40 kilometres (km) south of Fortescue’s Cloudbreak operations and approximately 100 km north-west of Newman. The major components of the Project are: An iron ore mine and resource comprising Brockman... Read more...