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Last updated: June 19, 1997
The proposal is to carry out a program of appraisal drilling on the Wonnich petroleum field within permit area TP/8. Read more...Last updated: April 24, 1997
The proposal is to extend the existing breakwater in the northern precinct of Jervoise Bay. In summary, the breakwater extension will: commence immediately west of the Cockburn Power Boat Association facility, be 700 metres (m) long, approximately 40m wide, and cover 2.8 hectares (ha) of seabed; be constructed of limestone rubble mound, as used in the existing breakwater and has an expected construction period of 40 weeks; and form a harbour with an entrance width of 120m at mean sea level. Read more...Last updated: November 11, 1996
The proposal is to construct a new berth at the eastern end of the Port of Albany, reclaim 5.5ha of Princess Royal Harbour to provide land backing to the new berth, and dredge a basin 6.0ha in extent between the berths and the existing entrance channel to provide sufficient depth of water for ship handling purposes. Read more...Last updated: June 28, 1996
The proposal is to improve Albany Port's facility for the mooring of existing port service vessels and for a new large tug. The proposal involves: dredging of approximately 25,000 cubic metres (m 3 ) (1.6 hectares) of material to provide a maximum water depth of -6m CD (Chart Datum); reclamation of 0.4 hectares of PRH using dredge spoil; establishment of a coarse sand beach fronting the reclamation area; construction of a rubble mound breakwater, approximately 250 metres long, using... Read more...Last updated: June 25, 1996
The proposal is to construct and operate additional infrastructure to satisfy the requirements of the recently proposed AUSI Iron Project Direct Reduced Iron (DRI) plant near Wickham in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, the subject of EPA Bulletin 794. Read more...Last updated: April 7, 1995
Proposed modification to the Fremantle Inner Harbour Deepening Project. Read more...Last updated: August 4, 1994
Cockburn Cement Limited (the proponent) proposes to dredge 3.7 million tonnes of shell sand from 67ha of Success Bank over a two year period. The area would be dredged using existing plant and equipment. Of the 67ha that is proposed to be dredged, 17ha has substantial seagrass coverage. Read more...Last updated: August 24, 1993
The proposal is to establish additional facilities for liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) extraction and export within the existing onshore treatment plant at the Burrup Peninsula. The existing Gas Treatment Plant occupies 231ha on a lease at Withnell Bay, near Dampier on the Burrup Peninsula about 1,300km north of Perth. The area within the lease has undergone major development, with the portions of Plant constructed to date consisting of a domestic gas plant, a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant,... Read more...Last updated: December 10, 1991
Proposal to develop the Roller Oilfield within permit area TP/3 Part 1, specifically the drilling of a minimum of seven development wells from four monopod structures. Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1991
Western Australian Petroleum Pty Ltd (WAPET) is operator for the participants in Exploration Permit No. TP/3 Part 1. WAPET has already drilled some 18 wells within the Permit Area, has developed the Saladin, Cowle and Yammaderry oilfields and is currently seeking approval to develop the Roller Oilfield. Over the next five year period, WAPET proposes to drill a further four to twelve exploratory wells within Permit Area TP/3 Part 1. Read more...Last updated: April 26, 1991
LASMO Oil (Australia) has proposed an offshore exploration drilling program for petroleum within its permit areas EP-342 and TP/9 at the open end of Exmouth Gulf. This proposal seeks environmental approval for the drilling of two wells in 1991 followed by a minimum of three others over the period 1992-1994. Read more...Last updated: April 18, 1991
The Department of Marine and Harbours proposes to dredge the Carnarvon Boat Harbour and its approach channels and disperse of the dredge spoil within the Harbour Lease Area. The Harbour Lease area contains environmentally sensitive areas including migratory shorebird habitat and mangroves. Read more...Last updated: June 27, 1989
Minora Resources NL has submitted a proposal to drill a third exploration oil well in its lease, EP 325, Exmouth Gulf. The well is located 13 km south east of the town of Exmouth. Minora propose to use a jack-up rig and drilling would take about 24 days to complete. Drilling is proposed during the winter of 1989. Read more...