This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: November 25, 2024
The construction of facilities for the development of the Greater Gorgon Gas Fields on the North-West Shelf, and the processing and export of the gas at a liquefied natural gas plant to be constructed on Barrow Island. Read more...Last updated: February 19, 2024
The requested change relates to condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 1056 (as relevant to Ministerial Statement 891) for an extension to the Time Limit for Proposal Implementation for the proposal approved under MS 891. With the agreement of the proponent, the Environmental Protection Authority will take no further action in relation to the s.46 inquiry into the proposed changes to condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 1056 (as relevant to Ministerial Statement 891) Read more...Last updated: February 5, 2024
Province Resources Ltd propose to use combined onshore wind and solar energy to produce green hydrogen and ammonia for export to the green energy market. The proposal is distributed across 3 distinct locations within the Shire of Carnarvon, Western Australia. The proposal will comprise the following major elements: • up to 945 ha (6.8 GW) of wind turbines and up to 10,000 ha of solar arrays (5.2 GW) • a new multiuser port facility with a material offloading facility and export terminal •... Read more...Last updated: December 22, 2023
Rio Tinto Winu Pty Limited (the Proponent) proposes to develop the Winu Project (the Proposal). The Proposal is a new copper-gold mine located approximately 300 km south of Broome and 320 km east of Port Hedland in the northern Pilbara region of Western Australia within both the Nyangumarta people’s and the Martu people’s Native Title Determination Areas. The Proposal conceptual footprint will require the clearing of up to 4,868 ha of native vegetation within a proposed 37,344 ha Development... Read more...Last updated: November 27, 2023
Woodside Energy Ltd has provided a combined document that relates to both its Commonwealth referral (Environment Protection and Biodiversity Act 1999) and State referral (Environmental Protection Act 1986). The component within State Waters includes drilling and completion, installation, commissioning, operation, well repair and workover and decommissioning of subsea wells and associated infrastructure located in Western Australian State waters, to extract hydrocarbons from the Torosa reservoir... Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 in response to a request to change condition 3 - Time Limit for Proposal Implementation of Ministerial Statement 891 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 regarding amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 858 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: June 9, 2021
VBX Limited propose to develop a bauxite mine located approximately 15 km west of the town of Kalumburu in the Kimberley. The proposal involves the mining of bauxite in the Kimberley and the use of a conveyor to transport processed ore to a barge-loading facility in Napier Broome Sound, and then trans-shipping of ore. Read more...Last updated: August 12, 2020
The proposal is for dredging of not more than 3,500,000 cubic metres off Anderson Point, for a third ship berth; disposal of dredge spoil on preexisting and previously approved land at Anderson Point; and extension of the approved open-pile wharf. Read more...Last updated: June 18, 2020
Inquiry under s46 into changing the conditions (extension of time limit for proposal implementation) of Ministerial Statements 469, 774, 815 and 927. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2019
The Western Australian Water Corporation is proposing to construct the Perth Seawater Desalination Plant 2 (PSDP 2) as part of Perth’s Integrated Water Supply Scheme which aims to provide additional sources of drinking water to supplement the existing metropolitan water supply. The PSDP2 Proposal will be located within the Kwinana Industrial Area, approximately 38 km south of the Perth Metropolitan Area, on Lot 1864, Riseley Road in Naval Base. PSDP2 will be developed in two stages (each with a... Read more...Last updated: December 21, 2016
Note: In the matter of The Wilderness Society of WA (Inc) –v- Minister for Environment [2013] WASC, the Supreme Court of Western Australia found the Minister’s agreement decision invalid because the EPA’s decision to report was invalid., The proposal is a strategic environmental assessment for a common user LNG hub precinct for future Browse Basin gas processing in the Kimberley Region. Read more...Last updated: November 29, 2016
The proponent, Iron Bridge Operations Pty Ltd (a Joint Venture between FMG Iron Bridge Pty Ltd and Formosa Steel IB Pty Ltd), proposes to construct and operate new infrastructure within the existing Herb Elliot Port Facility, Fortescue Metals Group, Port Hedland. The proposal, Iron Bridge Port Facility, is designed to accept 10 Mtpa of magnetite concentrate slurry from the North Star Magnetite Project, whereupon the slurry would be dewatered and the concentrate product stored within a shed that... Read more...Last updated: June 18, 2014
The proposal is to construct and operate a coal handling and export facility within the Bunbury Port Inner Harbour in the south-west region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: January 22, 2013
The proposal is for the construction of a deepwater port. Inquiry under s46 regarding changing condition 9 of Ministerial Statement 469 . Read more...Last updated: January 17, 2012
The proposal is to construct a sub sea pipeline, onshore gas treatment and compression plant, and sales gas pipeline. The subsea pipeline from the Macedon Gas Field (100 kilometres west of Onslow) connects to the onshore gas treatment and compression plant at Ashburton North (15 kilometres southwest of Onslow). The sales gas pipeline connects the onshore facility to the Dampier to Bunbury Natural Gas (DBNG) Pipeline. Read more...Last updated: December 1, 2009
The proposal is to construct a deepwater port to service fully loaded Panamax sized vessels (65 000 DWT) at Oakajee, approximately 23 kilometres north of Geraldton. Three site locations (north, south and central) and two different design options (inshore and off-shore) were considered in developing the proposal. The design option favoured by the proponent is an in-shore port design at the northern sector. The port study area is approximately 23 kilometres north of Geraldton. The port will... Read more...Last updated: November 17, 2004
The Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) has been required by the Minister for the Environment to provide further assessment on the proposal by James Point Pty Ltd (JPPL) to construct and operate a private container and general cargo Port (referred to as the Stage 1 Port) to the north of James Point in Cockburn Sound. See the original assessment here . Read more...