This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 regarding amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 858 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: November 24, 2021
Mardie Minerals Pty Ltd proposes to develop a high volume salt and Sulphate of Potash project at Mardie, approximately 80 km south west of Karratha, in the Pilbara Region of Western Australia. The proposal would utilise seawater and evaporation to produce a concentrated salt product and other associated products., The proposal includes a seawater intake, evaporation ponds, processing plant, bitterns disposal pipeline and outfall, desalination plant, freshwater supply bores and associated... Read more...Last updated: December 7, 2016
The proposal is to construct and operate a single entrance onshore marina to accommodate up to 500 boat pens and moorings and a surrounding land development comprising tourism, commercial, public open space and residential land uses. Read more...Last updated: June 18, 2014
The proposal is to construct and operate a coal handling and export facility within the Bunbury Port Inner Harbour in the south-west region of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: February 6, 2014
The proposal has the following main components: a 345 km railway line from Port Hedland to proposed mining operations at Mindy Mindy. This railway will be constructed in two parts: Part 1 from Port Hedland to the Chichester Ranges and Part 2 from the Chichester Ranges to Mindy Mindy; construction of port facilities consisting of rail loop, car dumper, stockyard and ore handling facilities (including two stackers and a single reclaimer), rescreening facility and product conveyor out to a wharf... Read more...Last updated: August 1, 2012
The proposal is for the construction of an onshore marina (and associated boating infrastructure e.g. boat pens, jetties, navigational aids, entrance channel, protective groynes, public boat ramps and car parks) on the western side of the Point Grey peninsula. The proposal also includes the construction of a 2.5 kilometre navigation channel across the Harvey Estuary from the marina to the Dawesville Channel. Read more...Last updated: December 20, 2002
The proposal is for construction and operation of a methanol plant of 1.05 million tonnes per annum (Mt/a) nominal capacity, at Withnell East industrial area on the Burrup Peninsula The proposal includes the installation of a gas supply pipeline, product pipeline, seawater supply pipeline and wastewater discharge pipeline to be situated in infrastructure corridors for which the Department of Mineral and Petroleum Resources (MPR) will be proponent. The plant footprint will occupy approximately... Read more...Last updated: December 11, 1998
The proposal is to drill a land based exploration well on Commonwealth (Navy) land at Point Murat, Cape Range Peninsula. The well will be drilled directly to intersect a target at a depth of about two kilometres below Ningaloo Marine Park. Read more...Last updated: August 28, 1997
The proposal is for a staged development of a 120 hectare prawn farm at Heron Point, approximately 35 kilometres south of Exmouth in Exmouth Gulf. Read more...