This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: May 9, 2011
The proposal is to extend the transport depot at Lot 14 Great Northern Highway, Upper Swan. The extension involves the construction and use of a hardstand area for the parking of cars, trucks, trailers, and heavy machinery and the construction and use of a caretaker’s residence. Read more...Last updated: October 15, 2010
Lot 21 Webster Road, Forrestfield has an area of 1.84 ha and is located in the Shire of Kalamunda. It is zoned Industrial in the Metropolitan Region Scheme and Light Industry in the Shire of Kalamunda District Planning Scheme No. 2. Lot 21 is adjacent to, but not included in, Bush Forever Site 319. An application to subdivide Lot 21 Webster Road, Forrestfield into seven industrial lots was initially referred to the EPA pursuant to Section 38 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, (EP Act)... Read more...Last updated: July 14, 2010
The proposal is for the subdivision of approximately 32 hectatres of land being a portion of Lot 4 bounded by Underwood Avenue to the north, Selby Street to the east, UWA's agricultural field station and research centre to the west, and the Water Corporation Workshop Depot Training Centre and Royal Perth Rehabilitation Hospital in the south. The Subiaco Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) is located immediately to the south west of the site. The subdivision proposes 260 lots for residential... Read more...Last updated: June 15, 2010
The strategic proposal is to: extend the Leeuwin Naturaliste National Park into the western part of Sussex Location 413; and develop the eastern part of Sussex Location 413 for tourism and residential purposes with associated public open space and foreshore reserves as generally depicted on the Development Guide Plan. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2009
The proposal is the industrial subdivision of Lots 300-303 and 14 & 15 Beringarra Avenue, Malaga. The lots total an area of 11.6 hectares (ha). The proposal area is bounded by Victoria Road to the north, the proposed Hepburn Avenue extension to the east, Reid Highway to the south and an existing industrial estate to the west. Lot 300, part of the proposed development, is separated from the other lots by a power line and includes the site of a former scrap metal yard. Read more...Last updated: January 19, 2009
The expansion of the Rehoboth Christian School in Kenwick on part of Lot 107 and Lot 105A to allow for additional education facilities to accommodate a primary school. Read more...Last updated: January 14, 2009
The request for the EP A to inquire into the environmental conditions and commitments under section 46 resulted from the Water Corporation applying to add an additional tree farm (Albany Tree Farm 2) to the existing proposal. This additional area, which did not include a treated wastewater storage dam, would not be licensed under Part V of the Act under licensing procedures applying at that time. A decision was made, therefore, to include the additional tree farm in the original proposal by a... Read more...Last updated: December 23, 2008
The proposal is for the subdivision of Lot 48 Furnissdale Road, Furnissdale. Read more...Last updated: January 21, 2008
Proposal by West Australian Landfill Services Pty Ltd (WALS) to modify the footprint of the South Cardup landfill. Read more...Last updated: June 6, 2007
The remediation of approximately 17 hectares of land, known as the Helena East Precinct and the Southern Embankment located centrally in the former Railway Workshops area, which includes relocation of contaminated soil to an area immediately east of the Police Operations Support Facility known as the Meat Industry Association Containment Cell. Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2007
Inquiry under s46 regarding splitting Ministerial Statement 421 into two separate statements to allow different proponents for separate components of the project. Read more...Last updated: March 28, 2007
Greendene Development Corporation Pty Ltd proposes to subdivide an area of land (Locations 9002 and 9101) within the developing Riverslea residential area, one kilometre east of the Margaret River townsite. Read more...Last updated: December 4, 2006
Inquiry under section 46 of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, on the proposal to develop a residential subdivision in the north-west sector of Herdsman Lake (Floreat Lakes) approved in 1989. Read more...Last updated: July 17, 2006
Proposal by Mr D J & Mrs R Winter to subdivide Lot 1613 Barrett Street, Southern River. Read more...Last updated: May 25, 2006
The proposal is for residential development on the East Clontarf site, approximately 18ha in size. The site is bounded by Manning Road, Centenary Avenue and the Canning River. It is zoned Urban in the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) and Residential in the City of South Perth Town Planning Scheme. The foreshore area adjacent to the proposed development is identified for protection as Bush Forever site 333 and reserved for Parks and Recreation in the MRS. Read more...Last updated: April 28, 2006
The proposal is to reclaim a maximum of 3.5 hectares (ha) of Hanover Bay in Princess Royal Harbour to create a commercial and urban development along the Albany foreshore. This development involves tourist and residential accommodation, and industrial and maritime uses. As part of the development plan, it is proposed to provide services including drainage, sewerage, and connection to water mains and power. The foreshore redevelopment is part of a larger redevelopment plan for the Town of Albany. Read more...Last updated: October 5, 2005
CSBP Limited propose to remediate the former Cresco site in Bayswater. There is up to 280,000 m 3 of contaminated soil present on site. The contamination was caused by the disposal of pyritic wastes or cinders, lead chamber washings, sodium bisulphate, den-scrubber effluent, superphosphate and other building wastes during the site’s history. The cinders, sodium bisulphate and den-scrubber effluent were deposited in excavated pits while the other wastes were disposed of on a more random basis.... Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2005
The City of Gosnells proposes to amalgamate 23 individual lots within Campbell Estate totalling 49.32ha, then subdivide this into three lots to create: a ‘core’ conservation area incorporating significant high quality wetlands (6.9ha); a ‘buffer’ to the conservation area that will also provide some stormwater management (2.38ha); and a residential development area (34.7ha). The remaining 10.68ha, which is included in the Campbell Road Estate ODP is not part of this proposal. Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2005
Inquiry under s46 into the environmental conditions applying to management of the Gnangara and Jandakot groundwater mounds. Three statements are applicable to this request, namely Nos 253 , 438 and 496 . The Department of Environment, on behalf of the Water and Rivers Commission, prepared a review of the environmental conditions applying to management of the Gnangara and Jandakot groundwater mounds and proposed a number of changes to conditions and commitments in these statements. Read more...Last updated: August 3, 2005
The proposal is for the construction and operation (on a temporary basis) of six evaporation ponds (120m × 30m) in the north-eastern corner of the Mungari Industrial Estate in the Shire of Coolgardie. The effluent to be evaporated at the Mungari site will be sourced from Total Waste Management’s liquid waste treatment facility in Boulder. The effluent has a chemical oxygen demand (COD) in the range 20,000- 25,000 mg/L and a total dissolved solids (TDS) content ranging from 20,000 to 40,000 mg/L... Read more...