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Last updated: November 1, 1988
Sherwood Overseas Co Pty Ltd and the State Planning Commission propose to develop the north west sector of Herdsman Lake, to be known as Floreat Lakes Residential Development. The proposal, which is dependent upon realignment of the Stephenson Highway road reserve, entails: Dredging of both public and private land to continue the protective moat around Herdsman Lake and provide fill for urban land removal of peat from urban land and road reserve, placement of peat in adjacent Industrial Lake on... Read more...Last updated: October 25, 1988
The proposal is to rezone and subdivide Lots 6, 164 and 165 Lakes Road, East Mandurah from "Future Urban" to "Residential 1" (R Code 5) and subdivide the property into 390 "Special Residential" lots within the range of 2,000m 2 to 4,000m 2 , with an average of approximately 2,500m 2 . No clearing would be permitted other than for the purpose of firebreaks, access, safety and construction of a dwelling. It is proposed that the area closest to Lake Goegrup and to the... Read more...Last updated: October 12, 1988
The location of the existing Mundaring Primary School on the corner of Stoneville Road and Great Eastern Highway is considered by the Shire of Mundaring to be inappropriate for several reasons, including traffic noise, safety and location of student population. It has therefore been proposed that the school be relocated to Pt Location 1699 Stevens Street. The land is currently zoned Rural in the Shire of Mundaring Town Planning Scheme No 1. The school would be located on a 4 hectare site to be... Read more...Last updated: September 30, 1988
The proposal is to extract 400,000 tonnes of limestone from Reserve C39584. The proposal includes plans for the quarried area to be recontoured and rehabilitated to an 18 hole golf course, funded by the sale of the limestone. Reserve C39584 is located on situated within System 6 Report proposed Beeliar Regional Park. The EPA concluded that the proposal to extract limestone from Reserve C39584 and rehabilitate to a golf course is environmentally unacceptable and recommended that it not proceed... Read more...Last updated: July 26, 1988
The Geraldton Foreshore Redevelopment is proposed by the Department of Marine and Harbours, Western Australia (referred to here as the proponent) in association with the Town (now City) of Geraldton, Westrail, and the Geraldton Mid-West Development Authority, to redevelop a seafront site of approximately 17 ha in the Geraldton townsite presently used by Westrail as a railway marshalling yard, into a recreation and tourist facility and small boat harbour. Read more...Last updated: June 23, 1988
The proposal is to subdivide and develop Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue, City Beach, for residential purposes. It is zoned 'urban' under the Metropolitan Region Scheme and 'Development Zone' under the Nedlands City Planning Scheme. The land is approximately 19 ha in area and the residential estate would be known as "Knightsbridge". Lot 1 Stephenson Avenue is contained within the boundary of the Government endorsed System 6 Recommendation M47. The EPA's System 6... Read more...Last updated: May 10, 1988
The existing sites used by Swan Wool Scouring and Fremantle Steam Laundry, are proposed to be redeveloped by the Superannuation Board of WA (now Government Employees Superannuation Board) and Saland Pty Ltd, necessitating the relocation of these and other industries. The proposal would see purpose-built facilities being established for Swan Wool Scouring and Fremantle Steam Laundry fronting onto Tydeman Road, and the container storage operations of Conaust Pty Ltd and Keywest Pty Ltd being... Read more...Last updated: March 1, 1988
The proposal is for a development scheme for Point Grey, near Mandurah. This proposal includes: a college and associated residential campus; an 18 hole golf course; tourist and holiday accommodation sites; 3,200 single residential lots; 300 'rural residential lots'; and shopping, education and community infrastructure. The development would house and accommodate approximately 9 000 people, with a staged development programme extending over a 25 to 30 year period. Read more...Last updated: December 14, 1987
The Environmental Protection Authority previously assessed a proposal by Prestige Bricks to establish a brickworks at the former Midland Abattoir site in Midland. Following the publication of a statement by the Hon Minister for Environment that the project could proceed subject to eleven conditions, the Company subsequently advised the EPA that due to poor foundation conditions on the southern segment of their site, it proposed to relocate the brick plant and kiln to an area that had previously... Read more...Last updated: November 25, 1987
The Coodanup Development is a proposal by Mezzanine Pty Ltd to develop a residential and boat haven complex on Cockburn Sound Location 16, being part lots 167 to 169. This land is situated on a strip that lies between the Serpentine River and the Peel Inlet at Coodanup, near Mandurah. The land, which is currently used for grazing purposes, is presently zoned as Future Urban, Rural, Residential and Local Recreation under the Shire of Mandurah Town Planning Schemes 1A. The Shire has resolved to... Read more...Last updated: November 1, 1987
Swan Shire Council has submitted an overall planning strategy for the Hazelmere area to the State Planning Commission (SPC) and has requested the Commission's consideration to amending the Metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) to introduce Urban and Urban Deferred zoning and an Important Regional Road reserve into the area. The SPC referred the proposed MRS amendment to the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) requesting comments and/or recommendations on Council's submission. The EPA... Read more...Last updated: September 1, 1987
The proposal is for a brick and tile plant at Malaga, approximately 12 km north-north-east of Perth, to produce 50 million bricks per year. The site is surrounded to the south and east by industrial, or proposed industrial, land. To the north is the proposed extension to the Ballajura residential estate and to the west a Parks and Recreation Reserve which backs on to the Koondoola residential area. The distance from the plant to the closest residential area would be over 600 metres. Read more...Last updated: September 1, 1987
The proposal is to establish a brickworks on the Midland abattoir site. Stage 1 of the project is to supply 50 million bricks a year to the local brick market. For the later Stage 2 of the project it is proposed to expand this plant to 100 million bricks a year. Read more...