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Last updated: August 29, 2022
The proposal is for the development of residential, commercial and public open space land uses, a single entrance marina and the management of conservation areas on Lot 5000 and Part Lot 5001 Pipidinny Road and Part Lot 9005 Marmion Ave, Eglinton. The EPA's report on the assessment was published as Bulletin 500, and Ministerial Statement 150 was published on 8 July 1991. In March 2013, Eglinton Estates Pty Ltd wrote to the EPA requesting minor amendments to the existing Implementation... Read more...Last updated: November 1, 2021
The City of Busselton propose to remove a layer of nutrient-rich, fine organic sediments which have accumulated throughout the lower reach of the Vasse River. The proposal is located within the City of Busselton and extends for 2.5 km from the Butter Factory Museum to the Busselton Bypass. Sediment removal will be staged and undertaken via a mobile micro-dredge, or similar unit. The dredged sediment will be pumped to a designated onshore laydown area(s), allowed to dewater with the return water... Read more...Last updated: October 18, 2021
Lot 902 Flynn Drive Neerabup is 22.03 hectares (ha) hectares (ha) in size, and is proposed to be subdivided into two lots; one conservation lots of 8.01 ha and a balance 14.02 ha lot for future industrial development with clearing and earthworks. The proposal is within Bush Forever Site 295, and fully vegetated. Read more...Last updated: September 1, 2021
Kimberley Agricultural Investment (KAI) Pty Ltd proposes to develop 3086 hectares of land for the purposes of perennial and annual cropping, including grains, cotton and horticulture (which may include citrus and/or mango trees or other tree crops). The proposal is located between House Roof Hill and the Ord River, approximately 40 kilometres north-west of Kununurra, in the Shire of Wyndham-East Kimberley. Carlton Plains Stage 1 forms the initial component of the staged development of four... Read more...Last updated: August 31, 2021
Digital 4 Pty Ltd proposes to develop Lot 802 Erindale Road Hamersley for urban development. Clearing of native vegetation will also occur within the western portion of Lot 803 to establish an Asset Protection Zone to meet requirements for bushfire management. The urban development will include residential development, internal public road network, public open space, a conservation area, drainage swales/basins and sewer easements. The development envelope for the proposal is 13.55 hectares. The... Read more...Last updated: February 1, 2021
Peet Stratton Pty Ltd propose to develop the Lot 102 for urban uses as part of the wider Movida residential development. The proposal area is 8.6 hectares (ha) of which approximately 6ha is proposed for development. 2.65ha of native vegetation is proposed to be retained for conservation purposes. Read more...Last updated: September 29, 2020
Meynell Pty Ltd intends to subdivide Lot 9002 Prowse Road, Capel to create 70 lots for residential development, associated access roads and a reserve for recreation and drainage. The proposal area is 15.5 hectares (ha) of which approximately 11.5 ha is proposed for development. Read more...Last updated: September 21, 2020
Kelliher Bros. propose to install a 40 ha single pivot irrigation system in Meelon, Western Australia (Shire of Murray). The site is located approximately 20 km south-east of Mandurah and 5 km south east of Pinjarra, and is zoned "rural" under the Local Planning Scheme. The project site is owned by Kelliher Bros and covers an area of approximately 178 ha. It is bounded by McLarty Rd to the west, Tuckey Road to the east, Pinjarra-Williams Road to the north and other rural lots to... Read more...Last updated: September 14, 2020
Change to condition 2-1 in order to extend the Time Limit for substantial commencement of the proposal. Read more...Last updated: July 1, 2020
Change to Commitment 7.7 (Monitoring) of Condition 1 (Proponent Commitments) Read more...Last updated: January 6, 2020
The proposal is to develop a nature-based campground within Lots 62 and Lot 303 Dirk Hartog Island. The proposal would include up to 23 bare earth campsites, and 3 camp-kitchen/ablution blocks to facilitate up to 80 people in camping accommodation, and the construction of vehicle access roads and firebreaks, as well as other associated infrastructure. Read more...Last updated: April 15, 2019
The proponent, Kelliher Bros. plan to expand their grass-fed beef production business from 6 weeks a year to year-round grazing. To achieve this, the proponent would like to trial the installation of a single 40 ha centre pivot irrigator for irrigating pasture within an area of Lot 209 Paterson Road, Ravenswood (88 ha). The proposal occurs within the, Environmental Protection Peel Inlet - Harvey Estuary Policy 1992, policy area. Read more...Last updated: January 7, 2019
The City of Busselton currently operates the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport (situated on Vasse Highway, Busselton) that allows for general aviation and closed charter fly-in fly-out operations. The City of Busselton is proposing to extend, widen and strengthen the existing runway and associated infrastructure of the Busselton Margaret River Regional Airport. This is a revised proposal to the current environmental approval under Ministerial Statement No. 1009. As a part of this... Read more...Last updated: November 19, 2018
Argyle Cattle Company Pty Ltd proposes to disturb up to to 1,200 ha of native vegetation for 650 ha of irrigated pasture and fodder and associated infrastructure. The proposal is located 64 km south of Broome on the Great Northern Highway, in the Shire of Broome. Read more...Last updated: July 25, 2018
Pardoo Beef Corporation Pty Ltd proposes to develop a centre-pivot irrigated feed crop production facility. Centre-pivot irrigation is a method of crop irrigation in which equipment rotates around a pivot and crops are watered with sprinklers. The proposal is approximately 100km east-northeast of Port Hedland and 365km south west of Broome. The proposal is for stage 3 and would include a total disturbance of 368 hectares development envelope. Read more...Last updated: June 11, 2018
URBNSURF (Perth) Pty Ltd proposes to construct and operate a surf sports, recreation and leisure facility at the western end of Tompkins Park in Alfred Cove. The facility will feature an open water surfing lagoon which generates consistent surfing waves of variable height in quick succession. The proposal is located adjacent to the Swan River and the A-Class Alfred Cove Nature Reserve. Currently majority of the site covered in turf from existing playing fields and bowling greens of the Melville... Read more...Last updated: April 4, 2018
The proposal is to develop Pinky’s Beach Eco-Retreat located adjacent to Pinkys Beach, on Rottnest Island. The Eco-Retreat is to be located west of the existing campground and directly adjacent to an existing Waste Water Treatment Plant (WWTP) to the east. The Proposal will involve the construction and operation of the following: 83 small holiday canvas accommodation dwellings; food and beverage “Beach Club” outlet with nearby shade structures; managers residence permitting the site manager to... Read more...