This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: October 2, 1991
Inquiry under s46 into a request a change to condition relating to timing of preparation of an Environmental Protection Policy. lt is now proposed to extend the target date as set in condition 3 of Ministerial Statement 55 for the preparation of a draft Environmental Protection Policy, from the 31 December, 1989 to the 4 June, 1990., Note:, No Ministerial Statement found, but subsequent Statement 313 notes that the conditions set on 3 January 1989 (Ministerial Statement 55) were amended on 2... Read more...Last updated: August 29, 1991
The Peel-Harvey estuarine system is badly degraded. The system shows signs of severe eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), which results in excessive algal growth. The algae live on the nutrients, and multiply rapidly, stifling life in the Estuary in warmer weather. The algae accumulate on the shores of the Estuary and rot, causing odour problems, polluting the shore, and killing wildlife and fish. This results in a significant reduction in the recreational, environmental, social and economic... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 1991
This proposal is located at Lot 6 Gingin Brook Road, Gingin, and it is proposed to establish 1.2 hectares of fruit and citrus trees, along with 0.5 hectare of vegetable market garden. The proponents have undertaken to perform soil and plant analyses to amend the levels of fertiliser applied. After the third year, fertiliser applications to these trees will be based solely on soil and plant analyses. Once the fruit trees are established and producing fruit for market, the proponent will convert... Read more...Last updated: July 29, 1991
The Environmental Protection Authority has received a number of proposals, each of which involves an application for a well licence to pursue conventional sprinkler irrigated agriculture. Each proposal was referred to the Environmental Protection Authority by the Water Authority of WA and each property is located within the Swan Coastal Plain catchment of the Peel-Harvey Estuary. The Authority has also received a number of other proposals for the same class of activity within the Swan Coastal... Read more...Last updated: July 10, 1991
This assessment is of two proposals, each of which involves an application for a well licence to pursue irrigated agriculture within the Peel-Harvey coastal plain catchment. Proposal 1 involves the flood irrigation of commonly grown pasture species (clover and perennial grasses) on an area of riverine clays adjacent to the North Dandalup River. Between 10 to 15 kg of phosphorus would be applied each year, with two thirds applied in autumn and one third applied in spring. Irrigation would occur... Read more...Last updated: May 3, 1991
The proposal is for remedial treatment of Lot 839, Railway Parade, Bassendean. The site contains various waste materials which can be traced to the site's historical land use as an iron and steel foundry, processing scrap metal from any source available including mining waste, old railway carriages and fabrication off-cuts. The foundry was closed in 1982 and most of the production plant was dismantled and removed. Since this time there has been negligible activity at the site. The site is... Read more...Last updated: May 2, 1991
The proposal is for rezoning of Lot 6 and Part Lot 64 Lloyd Avenue Ravenswood from "Residential Development" to "Residential R-10" and "Caravan/Chalet Park". Approval to subdivide and to develop the Chalet/Caravan Park will be sought at a later date. Clean fill will be used to bring buildings such as the communal amenities block and private amenities blocks in the north-east corner to meet minimum floor levels recommended by the Water Authority. It is proposed to... Read more...Last updated: March 13, 1991
The proposal is to develop Lot 112 Warton Road, Forrestdale for a golf course and driving range facility with the emphasis being on family and casual use. There will be 9 short holes and 9 longer holes that will still be only approximately two thirds the length of an normal golf course. The driving range will be located in the southern end of the site and will be approximately 300m long. The fairways, tees and greens (approximately 6.5ha) will be irrigated, but the driving range will be... Read more...Last updated: February 27, 1991
Inquiry under s46 regarding a request to amend the environmental conditions of Ministerial Statement 82 to allow the development of Lots 107 and 108. These two lots are currently contained within the area defined as Stage 2. In order for them to be developed, it will be necessary to exclude these lots from the environmental conditions which relate to Stage 2. Accordingly, Northcorp has asked that lots 107 and 108 be included in the definition of Stage 1. The Town of Bassendean has considered... Read more...Last updated: February 27, 1991
The proposal is to amalgamate Lots 24-26 at the corner of Carmignani and Stoney Roads, Gnangara. The land in question is subject to the Environmental Protection Authority's System 6 Report Recommendation M8. Lots 24-26 are privately owned freehold lots and zoned for rural purposes under the Metropolitan Region Scheme.The proposal is associated with the establishment on the land of a proposed horse training facility. The Environmental Protection Authority has already provided informal... Read more...Last updated: February 27, 1991
The proposal is for the subdivision of Pt Lot 27, Cockburn Sound Location 16, for industrial purposes. This is consistent with the present zoning of the land. The proposal is located on cleared land. The proponent has agreed that all lots in the subdivision would be serviced by sewerage. Stormwater runoff from all road reserves within the industrial subdivision is proposed be piped to a central sump with the sufficient storage capacity to cater for a 1 in 10 year storm event. This site is... Read more...Last updated: February 7, 1991
The proposal is for the subdivision of Lots 1 & 2 Cockburn Sound Location 16, for industrial purposes. This is consistent with the present zoning of the land. The proposal is located on cleared land which was mined for limestone and then re-contoured. Part of the proposed subdivision is within the 200 m buffer area for the Water Authority Sewage Treatment Plant located north of Gordon Road, however as light winds which carry odours tend to occur in the evening outside of working hours the... Read more...Last updated: September 19, 1990
The proposal is to develop a fuel unloading, storage and dispatching facility at the corner of Barter and Leath roads, Kwinana. The elements of the proposal are: install a 450mm (18 inch) fuel import line from the Bulk Cargo Jetty to the site construct refined oil tanks (two of 11,000 cubic metres for ULP and two of 3000 cubic metres for diesel) construct three small tanks for short term storage of each product install road tanker loading unit construct a small office and gate house Read more...Last updated: August 1, 1990
The land proposed for residential development comprises Pt Location 1699 owned by Glen Retreat having an area of approximately 46 ha. An area of 4 ha will be excluded and developed for the new Mundaring Primary School, while an equivalent area is to be excised from an adjoining reserve and added to the residential development. The land is located on the Darling Plateau in the catchment of Jane Brook and Bugle Tree Creek. The soils vary from sandy gravels in the lower areas to gravelly sand with... Read more...Last updated: March 12, 1990
The proposal is to rehabilitate the land previously used by the State Engineering Works in North Fremantle. The proposed clean up procedure includes removal of waste material from the site to a gazetted landfill at Henderson in the City of Cockburn, and relocation of leachate spoiled sand on site. Sand whose metal ion content is higher than normal due to leaching of the ions from the waste material, will be relocated on-site above a 12 metre thick limestone base. The site will then be covered... Read more...Last updated: March 2, 1990
The proposal is to build an abattoir on a 650ha rural site at Aurisch Road, Gingin. The site is located at the base of the Darling Scarp approximately 9km north of Gingin, 2km east of the Brand Highway and about 4km from Lakes Beermullah and White, the former being in a System 6 reserve. The proposed abattoir would process 1,000 sheep and 2,000 pigs per five day week. The site has a dwelling and a small piggery and is considered suitable by the Shire of Gingin for this proposal. The area is... Read more...Last updated: January 31, 1990
In November 1989 the City of Wanneroo submitted a study and concept plans for the Warwick Regional Open Space which is subject to Environmental Protection Authority System 6 Report recommendation M11. The study proposes that portions of the area be used for recreational purposes with other areas to be set aside for conservation. Read more...Last updated: January 25, 1990
The proposal is for construction of eight new satellite antennas at Gnangara, comprising the following: four small antennas, 7.5 metres diameter, maximum height above ground approximately 10 metres; three medium sized antennas, 2 x 18 and 1 x 20 metres diameter, maximum height above ground approximately 35 metres; and one large antenna 27.5 metres in diameter, maximum height above ground approximately 35 metres. The proposed site is bounded by Alexander Drive to the west, Gnangara Road to the... Read more...Last updated: January 17, 1990
The Port Geographe proposal is a residential canal development with harbour, commercial centre and a conservation area. The site lies on the coast immediately east of the existing Busselton built up area, between the ocean foreshore to the north and the Vasse estuary to the south and east. The project site has a total area of 300 hectares. Approximately 114 hectares of the site is proposed to become conservation area and be transferred to the Crown. Read more...Last updated: November 16, 1989
The proposal is to develop an area adjacent to Herdsman Lake known as Glendalough Open Space for local open space purposes. The development concept for Glendalough Open Space consists of two small shallow lakes in a parkland to be filled and landscaped. Development will involve excavation of the lakes, removal of underlying sand, backfilling of the lakes with peat to achieve a finished depth of 1 metre in summer, creation of parkland areas and mounding along Jon Sanders Drive, and planting of... Read more...