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Last updated: May 1, 1992
Town Planning Scheme No 2 - Amendment No 15, Lot 125 Doley Road and Lot 126 Orton Road, Byford. Read more...Last updated: April 22, 1992
Special Rural Rezoning, subdivision and development of Lot 683, Loyn Road Mandogalup Read more...Last updated: April 22, 1992
Special Rural Rezoning and Subdivision Lot 673 Hope Valley Road Mandogalup Read more...Last updated: April 14, 1992
Proposal to rezone, subdivide and develop Swan Locations 934, 2383, 2482 portion location 934 and Lot 2 to create 145 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 1 ha to 1.297 ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1. Read more...Last updated: April 14, 1992
Commercial rezoning, subdivision and development of Lot 1 Murray Location 5, Corner of Oakleigh Drive and Old Coast Road Erskine. Read more...Last updated: April 14, 1992
The proposal involves rezoning, subdivision and development of land bounded by Russell Road to the north, Rockingham Road to the east, Regional Open Space to the south and the proposed Fremantle-Rockingham Highway to the west for industria! purposes. lt is proposed to rezone a portion of the land from Rural to General Industry, and the remainder from Rural to Parks and Recreation. The boundary ol the proposed Parks and Recreation land would be consistent with the adopted boundary of the Beeliar... Read more...Last updated: April 7, 1992
The proponent wishes to deepen Cox Bay through bunding and dry excavation to improve algal management, and to create an offshore island on which to place surplus sand. Read more...Last updated: April 2, 1992
The proposal is to recommence market garden operations and to irrigate up to 52 hectares for approximately eight months of the year. It is proposed that during the period December - March the area of market garden will be between 30 and 40 hectares so that groundwater abstraction is not in excess of groundwater well licence conditions. The proponent has not indicated the types of crop to be grown, but estimates that average phosphorus applications will be approximately 91 kilograms/annum/... Read more...Last updated: March 24, 1992
The proposal is to undertake a landfill operation over a period of five years. The reason for the land filling is to re-contour the existing undulating land to an approximate grade of 1:10 to the western lakes edge, southern and northern property boundaries, so as to improve the the overall visual aspect. lt is proposed to retain all existing trees on site. Read more...Last updated: March 10, 1992
Proposal to refurbish the abattoir to Commonwealth meat export standards. Read more...Last updated: February 17, 1992
The Peel-Harvey estuarine system is badly degraded. The system shows signs of severe eutrophication (nutrient enrichment), which results in excessive algal growth. The algae live on the nutrients, and multiply rapidly, stifling life in the Estuary in warmer weather. The algae accumulate on the shores of the Estuary and rot, causing odour problems, polluting the shore, and killing wildlife and fish. This results in a significant reduction in the recreational, environmental, social and economic... Read more...Last updated: February 14, 1992
Residential and Special Rural Rezoning and Subdivision of Locations 90 and 92 Hardey Road, Serpentine Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop Swan Location 1739 on Neaves Road Mariginiup to create 11 "Special Rural" lots ranging in size from 2.01 ha to 2.34ha. The site is currently zoned "Rural" under the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme No 1 and has inadequate land use controls for the proposed "Special Rural" use. The development is seen by the proponent as an infill to develop the site in accordance with the surrounding area allowing for the... Read more...Last updated: January 20, 1992
The proposed development concept lor the Coral Coast Marina Resort is for a marina, an associated recreational holiday resort, commercia! facilities and a residential subdivision inland from the marina development. Significant drainage diversion works are necessary to accommodate the proposed marina and residential development. A quarry is required to provide armour stone for breakwater and groyne construction. The Stage 1 marina wou!d have a harbour with an approximate water area of 15.5 ha... Read more...Last updated: January 17, 1992
The proposal to extend Yunderup Canals involves the construction of two additional canals. One canal is located to the east of the existing development on Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8 Kiap Road (17 .2 ha) and is aligned north-south, and the second canal is located to the north of the entrance to the existing development on Lot 18 Warma Way (5.7 ha) and is aligned northeast-southwest. The proposed development will include 7.4 ha of new canal waterway, 160 residential lots, a local store with a petrol... Read more...Last updated: December 18, 1991
The proposal is to rezone Lot 1 Lakes Way, Jandakot to Special Residential and subdivide into 95 lots consisting of 90 lots from 2,000m 2 to 3,300m 2 , 1 lot of 8,000m 2 and 4 lots of 1ha along the Lakes Way frontage as a landscape buffer to the Special Rural zone. The development would be connected to deep sewerage and it is proposed to impose various land use controls on the development (including vegetation clearing controls) by the application of special provisions through the local Town... Read more...Last updated: November 25, 1991
The proposal is to rezone, subdivide and develop land between Connolly Drive and the proposed alignment of the Mitchell Freeway, and north of Burns Beach Road for residential purposes. To enable Stage 2 to be developed for residential purposes, rezoning of the land to Urban and Urban Development in the Metropolitan Region Scheme and the City of Wanneroo's Town Planning Scheme respectively, and subsequent subdivision and development approval is required. Read more...Last updated: November 1, 1991
The proposal by the Shire of Murray is to amend its Town Planning Scheme to allow additional uses in the existing Special Use zone, Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 Douglas Piace Barragup. The site is within the area defined as the Peel-Harvey Coastal Catchment by the Minister for the Environment. Read more...Last updated: October 24, 1991
The land known as the Glencoe property is located within the Shire of Gingin approximately 16 kilometres west of Gingin on the Gingin Brook Road and totals 1,526 hectares of Rural zoned land. The property comprises 12 separate locations ranging in size from approximately 16 hectares to 1,103 hectares. While three of the existing southern locations have gazetted and constructed road frontage, the balance of the locations do not have frontage to a dedicated road system. Also, the proponent... Read more...