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Last updated: January 22, 2021
Changes to condition 13 Offsets following a change to proposal after assessment. Read more...Last updated: October 5, 2020
Flinders Mines Ltd proposes to revise the already approved Pilbara Iron Ore Project located approximately 70 kilometres north-west of Tom Price in the Hamersley sub-region. The revised proposal includes additional clearing up to 300 hectares (ha) to include the Paragon ore deposit and external infrastructure (including haul roads, airstrip and accommodation camp), as well as an increase in abstraction of groundwater of up to 2 Gigalitre per annum. Read more...Last updated: October 2, 2020
The proposal involves the development and operation of the Hope Downs 4 Iron Ore Mine (HD4), located in the Pilbara region in the shire of East Pilbara. It includes the development and operation of an above and below the water table greenfields iron ore mine and associated infrastructure. Ore from the HD4 proposal would be transported via a new railway to existing rail infrastructure near the existing Hope Downs 1 Iron Ore Mine then to port facilities on the coast. The mine would operate... Read more...Last updated: August 12, 2020
The proposal is for dredging of not more than 3,500,000 cubic metres off Anderson Point, for a third ship berth; disposal of dredge spoil on preexisting and previously approved land at Anderson Point; and extension of the approved open-pile wharf. Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2020
Section 46 change to conditions - Inquire into the suitability of the implementation conditions and whether any of them should be changed. Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2020
Change to Extension of Timeframe for substantial commencement. Read more...Last updated: July 27, 2020
MRWA is proposing to construct and operate Stage 2 (the Southern Link) and 3b (part of the Western Link) portion of the Albany Ring Road Proposal (ARR). The proposal includes construction and operation of seven kilometres of new road which will connect the intersection of South Coastal Highway and Link Road to the Port of Albany around the City of Albany. Stage 2 of the ARR is the southern link of the ring road located between the Lower Denmark Road George Street Intersection and Frenchman... Read more...Last updated: July 23, 2020
Changes to Condition 3 in order to extend the Time Limit of Authorisation for commencement of the proposal. Read more...Last updated: July 23, 2020
Change to condition 3 to extend the authorised timeframe for substantial commencement of the proposal by five years, to 12 February 2024. Read more...Last updated: July 13, 2020
The Commonwealth Department of Defence proposes to establish two underwater training ranges (UTR) to facilitate ongoing training of Defence personnel in underwater demolition operations. The key activity during training is the detonation of small volumes (up to 5 kilograms) of explosives. The location of the two proposed UTRs are in Western Australian State waters, currently used as military training exercise areas. One proposed UTR is adjacent to Campbell Barracks, approximately 10km west of... Read more...Last updated: June 29, 2020
Subsea 7 proposes to construct and operate an onshore pipeline fabrication facility at Lots 233 and 1586 to the east of Minilya-Exmouth Road, Learmonth, approximately 35km south of the Exmouth Townsite. A pipeline bundle co-locates a number of services within a single pipeline for use in the development of offshore gas fields. The onshore pipeline fabrication site and associated infrastructure includes two Bundle tracks (approximately 10 km in length) along which the Bundles will be constructed... Read more...Last updated: June 18, 2020
Inquiry under s46 into changing the conditions (extension of time limit for proposal implementation) of Ministerial Statements 469, 774, 815 and 927. Read more...Last updated: May 18, 2020
Change to condition 3 - Time limit for Proposal Implementation. Extension of time limit of 5 years to 15 June 2025, allowing time for project financing. Read more...Last updated: May 11, 2020
The purpose of the proposal aims to continue to catch, tag, relocate and release white sharks to better understand their movements following release. A range of tiger sharks and mako sharks will also be satellite and acoustic tagged as part of this proposal. This proposal is for the continuation of the SMART (Shark Management Alert in Real Time) drumline trial for an additional 12 months (until May 2021). The trial extension will provide additional data to assist in determining the... Read more...Last updated: April 28, 2020
To develop and operate an iron ore mine, processing facilities and supporting infrastructure, 45 km south-south-east of Pannawonica in the Shire of Ashburton, and a 176 km haul road from the mine site to the customer delivery point near Cape Preston. Read more...Last updated: March 17, 2020
Changes to conditions 3-1 and 3-2 in order to extend the Time Limit for Proposal Implementation. Read more...Last updated: February 24, 2020
The Rottnest Island Authority proposes to redevelop the Rottnest Lodge on Rottnest Island, WA. The proposal will involve the demolition and/or refurbishment of existing accommodation, the construction of new accommodation and associated infrastructure. The proposal will involve clearing of up to 0.5 ha of native vegetation within the 1.8 ha development envelope. Read more...Last updated: January 20, 2020
The Minister for Environment has requested that the Environmental Protection Authority (EPA) inquire into and report on the matter of changing the implementation conditions in Ministerial Statement 945 relating to Forge Resources Swan Pty Ltd’s Balla Balla Export Facilities proposal. Read more...Last updated: January 6, 2020
The City of Joondalup proposes to develop a recreational, residential, boating and tourist development, referred to as the Ocean Reef Marina Development at Ocean Reef, Western Australia. The Development is located in the Ocean Reef locality, approximately 29 km from the Perth central area. The Development is within the City and includes the existing Ocean Reef Boat Harbour. Read more...