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Last updated: December 15, 2023
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate an extension of the existing Joondalup railway line from a point north of the proposed future Eglinton Station. The proposal will extend the Joondalup railway line through to Yanchep in the City of Wanneroo and includes a new intermodal transit station within the Yanchep City Centre area. The development envelope is up to 73 hectares (ha) and the proposal will result in potential impacts to native vegetation that includes... Read more...Last updated: November 6, 2023
The proposal is for a desalination plant located approximately five kilometres (km) west of Cape Riche, and approximately 19 km from the nearest town of Wellstead. The desalination plant would be based on reverse osmosis technology. A seawater intake and pump station would be located 500 m east of Cheyne Inlet, and a brine outfall would be located on the south side of Cape Riche. Pipelines and infrastructure would be also constructed. Read more...Last updated: October 16, 2023
Water Corporation propose to conduct a 6- month water source abstraction trial to assess the long-term viability of a new water source for Walpole, Western Australia. The trial will be conducted during the summer peak water demand period and will use existing infrastructure. The source comprises three existing deep fractured rock bores located within the following Water Corporation Lots: • Bore 5/09 is located within the Swan Road road reserve • Bore 3/20 is located within part of Lot on Plan... Read more...Last updated: August 15, 2023
Inquire into and report on the matter of changing condition 12 of Ministerial Statement 757 to align it with contemporary greenhouse gas conditions reflecting the content of the Pluto LNG Facility Greenhouse Gas Abatement Program. Read more...Last updated: August 14, 2023
Horizon Power is proposing to construct common user transmission infrastructure to enable the supply of grid electricity to the Burrup Strategic Industrial Area (SIA). The Proposal includes construction of an approximately 7 km long, 132 kV overhead transmission line between the Dampier substation and the Burrup SIA, clearing of unsealed access tracks along the transmission line route, an extension of the existing Dampier substation (inclusive of 132 kV switchgear, fencing and ancillary... Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal will provide additional port facilities at Port Hedland to receive and stockpile the product from emerging miners, specifically the various mines owned by the proponent’s shareholders, and load this product onto ships for export. Each of the shareholders is exploring and developing new iron ore projects in the Pilbara, with one company actively mining ore and exporting through the existing facilities in the Port of Port Hedland. The current shareholders of the proponent are Atlas... Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 in response to a request to change condition 3 - Time Limit for Proposal Implementation of Ministerial Statement 891 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate port infrastructure which includes a stockyard facility, rail loop, conveyor, wharf and ship-loading facility at Port Hedland. Inquiry under s46 regarding amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 858 . This proposal has been superseded by the Roy Hill Port Expansion Project . Read more...Last updated: July 31, 2023
The proposal is an expansion of the existing Roy Hill Port and will comprise the construction and operation of port infrastructure including, but not limited to, a stockyard, rail loop, train unloader, conveyors, wharf and ship[1]loading facility at Port Hedland. The proposal is a consolidation of the Roy Hill 1 Iron Ore Project, Port Infrastructure and the Multi-User Iron Ore Export (Landside) Facility approved proposals. Ministerial Statements 858, 978 and 1084 for the existing Roy Hill 1... Read more...Last updated: July 3, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate an extension to the Dampier Cargo Wharf at the Port of Dampier. The proposal incorporates the construction of a new (adjoining) southern section of wharf and associated mooring dolphin, dredged berth pocket and vessel manoeuvring area. The Proposal will enable larger vessels (up to Panamax class) to access the terminal and facilitate new trades and products being handled at the Port. Key construction elements of the Project include dredging, blasting,... Read more...Last updated: June 26, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate a new 48 km section of the Great Northern Highway within the Shire of Chittering. The proposal would bypass the town of Bindoon located approximately 70 km north east of Perth, Western Australia. The Proposal would consist of a combination of four lane dual carriageway, four lane single carriageway and two lane single carriageway and would divert from the existing GNH at the Chittering Roadhouse running west of Bindoon and re-joining the GNH between Hay... Read more...Last updated: June 22, 2023
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate a new 14.5 kilometre (km) dual railway track to extend the existing Thornlie passenger line to Cockburn Central Station on the Mandurah line and duplicate the existing 3 km of single track between Beckenham Junction and Thornlie Station. The proposal requires the relocation of 11 km of freight line within the existing rail reserve. The proposal requires the construction and operation of two new stations at Ranford and... Read more...Last updated: June 14, 2023
Remove Condition 2 (Proponent Commitments) if the proponent commitments in schedule 2 have been completed, are no longer relevant to the proposal or can be managed under Part V of the Environmental Protection Act 1986 (EP Act)., The EPA, in response to a request by the Water Corporation and pursuant to s40A of the EP Act, has terminated the inquiry under s46 of the EP Act into changing the implementation conditions of Ministerial Statement 568 Read more...Last updated: May 29, 2023
Time limit for substantial commencement, review of the adequacy of existing implementation conditions to ensure consistency with the EPA’s current objectives for each environmental factor. Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2023
The proposal is for the construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant, and associated ocean outfall, on the Alkimos-Eglinton Dunal System, with an ultimate processing capacity of 160 megalitres per day. Read more...Last updated: May 4, 2023
Southern Ports Authority propose to facilitate export of magnetite by allowing the construction of a new Berth 5 and expanding current anchorages in King George Sound. Berth 5 is to be constructed consisting of an offshore piled structure with mooring dolphins. Transhipment vessels will leave Berth 5, transit to an inner anchorage and load an ocean-going vessel for first-stage export. Vessels will then transit to a deeper anchorage to complete second-stage export. The anchorages are currently... Read more...Last updated: April 11, 2023
The proponent (Hamersley Iron Pty Limited) proposes to build and develop a desalination plant at Parker Point, Dampier, located approximately 2.5km north-east of the Dampier township. This Proposal will establish a reliable potable water supply for the Proponent’s Dampier port operation (including Parker Point and East Intercourse Island), Dampier town and connection into Water Corporation’s West Pilbara Water Supply Scheme (WPWSS). The desalination plant may be delivered in stages up to a... Read more...Last updated: March 27, 2023
Red Moon Property Holdings Pty Ltd and property lessee Altera Ltd propose to construct and operate Carpenter’s dam taking water from 4-mile brook. The proposal is to construct a dam not exceeding 3,400,000 cubic metres in capacity which includes an automatic bypass system that allows at least 8, 000 kilolitres of water to bypass the dam with excess water returned to the original watercourse. The proposal is in Beedelup, WA, approximately 20 kilometres Southwest of Manjimup, adjacent to the... Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2023
Changes to condition 13-1 and 13-3 of Ministerial Statement 1114 (as amended) following a change to proposal after assessment. Read more...