This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: February 4, 2025
The Proposal is to construct and operate a new multimodal port in the Kwinana Industrial Area (KIA), approximately 30 km south of Perth. The Proposal includes: A port facility. Adjacent areas of landside development. An offshore breakwater. Dredging for a second main channel. Dredging for access channels, turning basins and berthing areas. Use of dredge material for beneficial re-use and, where required, placement in approved marine placement areas. Removal of the disused Kwinana Bulk Berth 1 (... Read more...Last updated: January 21, 2025
The Western Australian Water Corporation is proposing to construct the Alkimos Seawater Desalination Plant (ASDP) as part of Perth’s Integrated Water Supply Scheme which aims to provide additional sources of drinking water to supplement the existing metropolitan water supply. The ASDP Proposal will be located within the Alkimos Water Precinct (Lot 1050 Marmion Avenue), approximately 40 km north of the Perth, within the northwest corridor, north of Quinns Rock beach and south of Yanchep beach.... Read more...Last updated: January 14, 2025
The Proposal is to extend and redevelop the existing Army Groyne into a barge operations facility in South Thomson Bay at Wadjemup / Rottnest Island. The Proposal includes: Dredging for the purpose of construction for a breakwater/laydown area and for a barge turning circle. Use of dredge spoil for re-use as reclamation to create a laydown area. Extension of the existing Army Groyne to create a breakwater. Barge landing ramp. Ferry berth. Small craft landing facility. Fuel storage and... Read more...Last updated: November 12, 2024
The proposal is for constructing and operating a recreational jetty in Port Kennedy, located in south Warnbro Sound with the City of Rockingham, Western Australia. The Jetty proposal will provide: an elevated main deck low-level short-stay vessel berth central jetty ‘node’ to include a diving platform, terracing, stairs, swimming platform, ladders demarcated swimming area Read more...Last updated: October 14, 2024
The City of Gosnells (the Proponent) proposes to extend Garden Street between Harpenden Street and Holmes Street in Southern River, which will involve the construction of an 840 m section of a dual carriageway (two lanes each direction). The Proposal is located predominantly within the suburb of Southern River, approximately 17 km south-east of Perth Central Business District (CBD) and intersects within Bush forever site 125 (Holmes Street Bushland). The construction and implementation of the... Read more...Last updated: August 26, 2024
The Commissioner of Main Roads Western Australia (Main Roads) is proposing to widen Tonkin Highway from south of Roe Highway to approximately one kilometre north of Kelvin Road to a six-lane dual carriageway. The proposal includes construction of a half diamond interchange with north facing ramps at the Hale Road intersection in Forrestfield, and a grade-separated interchange at the intersection of Tonkin Highway and Welshpool Road in Wattle Grove. The proposal includes construction of a... Read more...Last updated: July 22, 2024
The Northern Terminal (NT) to Neerabup Terminal (NBT) 330kV Transmission Line proposal (the Proposal) is located approximately 13 km north of Perth in the City of Swan and City of Wanneroo. The Proposal is for the construction of a new 330kV dual circuit transmission line between NT in Malaga and NBT in Pinjar, a length of approximately 29 km. The purpose of the proposal is to reinforce the North Region transmission network to remove constraints on existing connected generation and provide... Read more...Last updated: June 24, 2024
Main Roads is proposing to upgrade and widen Anketell Road to an Expressway Standard for approximately 7.5 km between Leath Road and Kwinana Freeway in the City of Kwinana, WA. The Proposal will include grade separated interchanges at six locations, grade separation of road over rail at two locations and other supporting road infrastructure . Read more...Last updated: April 19, 2024
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to extend the existing Joondalup railway line by 7.3 kilometres from Butler Station to the suburb of Eglinton in the City of Wanneroo. The proposal is to construct and operate the rail extension and includes two new intermodal (rail, bus, ‘park and ride’, ‘kiss and ride’, walk and cycle) transit stations at Alkimos and Eglinton. The PTA will operate train services between Perth and Eglinton Stations and bus services from the Alkimos and Eglinton... Read more...Last updated: March 7, 2024
The proposal is to expand CSBP's Kwinana Ammonium Nitrate Production Facility (ANPF) by incorporating additional components into the existing facility and re-engineering (debottlenecking) some existing components in order to increase ammonium nitrate production capacity from 520,000 tpa to 936,000 tpa. Read more...Last updated: December 15, 2023
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate an extension of the existing Joondalup railway line from a point north of the proposed future Eglinton Station. The proposal will extend the Joondalup railway line through to Yanchep in the City of Wanneroo and includes a new intermodal transit station within the Yanchep City Centre area. The development envelope is up to 73 hectares (ha) and the proposal will result in potential impacts to native vegetation that includes... Read more...Last updated: June 26, 2023
The proposal is to construct and operate a new 48 km section of the Great Northern Highway within the Shire of Chittering. The proposal would bypass the town of Bindoon located approximately 70 km north east of Perth, Western Australia. The Proposal would consist of a combination of four lane dual carriageway, four lane single carriageway and two lane single carriageway and would divert from the existing GNH at the Chittering Roadhouse running west of Bindoon and re-joining the GNH between Hay... Read more...Last updated: June 22, 2023
The Public Transport Authority (PTA) proposes to construct and operate a new 14.5 kilometre (km) dual railway track to extend the existing Thornlie passenger line to Cockburn Central Station on the Mandurah line and duplicate the existing 3 km of single track between Beckenham Junction and Thornlie Station. The proposal requires the relocation of 11 km of freight line within the existing rail reserve. The proposal requires the construction and operation of two new stations at Ranford and... Read more...Last updated: May 22, 2023
The proposal is for the construction and operation of a wastewater treatment plant, and associated ocean outfall, on the Alkimos-Eglinton Dunal System, with an ultimate processing capacity of 160 megalitres per day. Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2023
Changes to condition 13-1 and 13-3 of Ministerial Statement 1114 (as amended) following a change to proposal after assessment. Read more...Last updated: April 13, 2022
Main Roads proposes to upgrade and widen a 2 km section of Tonkin Highway from four lanes to six lanes from approximately 1 km north of Kelvin Road extending south to Maddington Road. The Proposal will include construction of a grade separated interchange at Tonkin Highway and Kelvin Road and associated works such as PSP upgrade, installation of noise and retaining walls, drainage improvements and landscaping. Read more...Last updated: February 28, 2022
Change to conditions 1-1 (Implementation) and 2-1 (Proponent Commitments) Read more...Last updated: February 2, 2022
The requested changes relate to condition 3 of Statement 1041 (as relevant to Statement 826) for an extension to the Time Limit of Authorisation for Proposal Implementation. Read more...Last updated: November 25, 2021
Changes to condition 5 (relating to performance review), condition 9 (relating to stack emissions), and condition 11 (relating to decommissioning), in order to contemporise the conditions of the Statement and streamline its regulatory obligations. Read more...