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Last updated: November 20, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate an open cut iron ore mine and haul road at the Windarling Range W4 East Deposit, located approximately 130 kilometres north of Southern Cross. Read more...Last updated: November 20, 2013
Portman Iron Ore Limited proposes to expand the existing Koolyanobbing iron ore mine by commencing new mining at Windarling Range and Mt Jackson and linking the new minesites to Koolyanobbing by a haul road or railway. Read more...Last updated: November 7, 2013
To establish an iron ore mine in the Hope Downs area, 75km north-west of Newman, including facilities for limited processing of the ore, and a rail connection from the mine to a rail network for the transport of iron ore product to the coast. Read more...Last updated: November 5, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate an open cut iron ore mine, waste rock landform, ore stockpile, haul road and associated infrastructure, 150 kilometres north of Southern Cross. Read more...Last updated: October 24, 2013
The proposal is to develop an iron ore mine and associated infrastructure in the Goldfields region, 450 kilometres (km) east-north-east of Perth. The proposal includes a borefield and adjoining water pipeline 60km west of the mine site and a rail siding 130km east of the mine site and 8km south of Menzies. Read more...Last updated: October 9, 2013
The proposal involves extensions to mines at Yarrie and Sunrise Hill, new mines at Nimingarra (Nim I), Cattle Gorge and associated infrastructure such as haul roads and a power line. The proposal also seeks to revise the decommissioning and rehabilitation plan for the entire Goldsworthy operations. Read more...Last updated: September 11, 2013
The Brockman 2 Detrital Iron Ore Mine (B2 Project) commenced mining operations in 1992 in the central Pilbara region of Western Australia. It is located in the Brockman Syncline area, approximately 55 kilometres (km) northwest of Tom Price. Ore from the mine is currently exported through Dampier and Cape Lambert ports. This proposal is for the Phase 2B development of the B2 Project and involves further development of parts of the existing Pit 4 Extension, Lower Pit 4, Valley Pit and Pit 6 to an... Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2013
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at the Turee Syncline deposit, located approximately 30 kilometres north-east of Paraburdoo. Read more...Last updated: August 22, 2013
The proposal is to develop an open-cut iron ore mine and associated infrastructure at the Western Turner Syncline Stage 2 – B1 and Section 17 deposits, located approximately 30 kilometres west of Tom Price in the central Pilbara Region, Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: August 15, 2013
Construct and operate a shallow open pit iron ore mine and associated infrastructure on the Mt Gibson Pastoral Lease in the Mid-West of Western Australia. Read more...Last updated: August 6, 2013
Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd proposes to develop a new Direct Shipping Ore iron ore mine at Murray's Hill in the Pilbara, and will extract iron ore at a rate of up to 5 million tonnes per annum. Mining is proposed above the water table and no dewatering will be required. The project consists of one mine pit, waste dump, crushing and screening plant, accommodation plant, and associated infrastructure., Note: This proposal is now referred to as the ‘Murray’s Hill Project’ and is a separate... Read more...Last updated: July 9, 2013
BHP Billiton has requested a change to its existing environmental conditions in Ministerial Statement 433 for dust management at its iron ore operations at Finucane Island and Nelson Point, Port Hedland. Read more...Last updated: March 27, 2013
The proposal is to mine iron ore at Mesa A / Warramboo in the Robe Valley, Pilbara. The proposal involves the development of mine pits at Mesa A and Warramboo; a primary sizer processing plant; associated mine infrastructure; and the construction of a rail line to link into existing Mesa J mining operations., Note:, Also see Mesa A / Warramboo Iron Ore Project (s43) Read more...Last updated: March 27, 2013
Proposal by Robe River Mining Company Pty Ltd to mine iron ore at Mesa A/Warramboo. This report has been prepared in response to a request from the Minister under section 43(1) of the, Environmental Protection Act 1986, (EP Act) that the EPA re-assess the proposal in the light of additional information provided by the proponent. Read more...Last updated: February 25, 2013
To undertake mining of up to 12 – 13 Mt of remnant iron ore in the previously mined Mesa K deposit to meet the shortfall of dry ore produced from Mesa J. The proposal will utilise the existing Mesa J equipment fleet, personnel and infrastructure. Read more...Last updated: February 11, 2013
BHP Billiton Iron Ore is proposing to develop the Cundaline and Callawa Iron Ore deposits located near the existing Goldsworthy operations, 200km east of Port Hedland in the Pilbara Region. New and existing Goldsworthy infrastructure would be utilised. Read more...Last updated: January 30, 2013
The proposal is to construct and operate an iron ore mining area and associated infrastructure at the Hope Downs 4 Iron Ore Mine located approximately 30 kilometres north-west of Newman within the Shire of East Pilbara. Inquiry under s46 - request to change conditions 5-1, 8-2, 8-3, 9 and 10-2 of Ministerial Statement 854 . Read more...Last updated: January 11, 2013
Brockman Iron Pty Ltd is proposing to construct a railway line and associated infrastructure in the Hamersley Iron province in the Pilbara region of Western Australia, approximately 100 kilometres (km) north west of Newman. The railway line would be approximately 79 km in length. The proposal will connect the previously approved Brockman Marillana Iron Ore Project ( Ministerial Statement 855 ) to the existing Fortescue Metals Group (FMG) railway line. Read more...Last updated: January 11, 2013
The proposal is to develop and operate an iron ore mine on the Blacksmith tenement located approximately 70 km north-west of Tom Price in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Read more...