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Last updated: May 20, 1992
BHP proposes to increase the rate of production at the Yandicoogina iron ore project from five million tonnes per annum to ten million tonnes per annum. Inquiry under s46 in regard to amending the conditions of Ministerial Statement 29 . Read more...Last updated: September 19, 1990
The proposal is to establish a Research and Development Facility at Kwinana to prove the feasibility of a direct iron ore smelting process capable of producing commercially saleable iron product. The iron would ultimately be used as feed material for the production of steel products. Hlsmelt Corporation Pty Ltd is a joint venture between CRA Limited and the Midrex Corporation of USA, which has been formed to manage the project. The research facility will be constructed within the boundaries of... Read more...Last updated: May 27, 1988
The proposal is to establish a new iron ore mining project at Yandicoogina (Marillana) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The proposal generally involves the mining of iron ore deposits at an initial production rate of about 2 million tonnes per year, with the potential to increase production to a rate of up to 5 million tonnes per year during a projected 20 year mine life. There is, however, further potential for operations to be expanded to a much larger project beyond the scope of... Read more...Last updated: March 8, 1988
The proposal is to mine high grade iron ore from a scree and erosion fan located south of McCamey's Monster Hill. The initial output in the first year will be 3 million tonnes which will increase to 5 million tonnes in the second year. The total tonnage over the life time of the project is 34.5 million tonnes. The processing plant will consist of a series of screens to separate the ore from the waste. The product ore will be transported to Port Hedland via a haul road to the Mt Newman to... Read more...