This "Search Proposal" function provides all assessment documentation associated with a specific proposal, from referral through to Ministerial Statement, where relevant. Information on a specific proposal not available through this search function can be obtained by contacting DWER, EPA services:
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Last updated: October 29, 1999
Proposal to redevelop the Harvey and Stirling Reservoir system in order to divert an additional quantity of water from the Harvey Basin for the Perth Metropolitan Water Supply Scheme (PMWSS). The proposal involves the construction of a new pipeline from Harris Sam to Stirling Reservoir to enable transfer of water. Read more...Last updated: October 17, 1999
Proposal to deviate the alignment of Kalamunda Road around the southern perimeter of the Guildford Cemetery. Read more...Last updated: August 28, 1997
The proposal is for a staged development of a 120 hectare prawn farm at Heron Point, approximately 35 kilometres south of Exmouth in Exmouth Gulf. Read more...Last updated: June 30, 1997
The initial proposal by Worsley to develop the Boddington Gold Mine approximately 12km north-west of the town of Boddington was the subject of an EPA evaluation in 1985 (EPA 1985). An Environmental Management Programme was prepared and submitted in 1987 and the mine was commissioned in July 1987. Since that time environmental approvals have been given by the Minister for the Environment for two expansions of throughput, an additional water supply reservoir, the mining of basement and supergene... Read more...Last updated: March 14, 1997
Main Roads Western Australia proposes to reconstruct the existing two lanes into a four lane carriageway at the Bedfordale Hill section of Albany Highway between the end of the existing dual carriageway and the road train assembly area in the City of Armadale. The earthworks for the proposed carriageway encroach onto Bungendore Park which is part of System 6 Recommendation MSO - Darling Scarp. The proposal also involves the deviation of Neerigen Brook in two locations. Read more...Last updated: November 6, 1996
The proposal is to dredge two channels to connect the Swan River with an internal artificial water body. Construction of the channel will involve: dredging of one 15m wide, 1 m deep channel through the System 6 area and near shore sandbars at the northern end of the wetland; the excavation of a 55m wide channel to -2.5m AHD, through the southern end of the tip site; plus the dredging of a 320m long, 55m wide navigation channel to -2.5m AHD through river shallows to connect with the main deep... Read more...Last updated: October 22, 1996
The proposal is to develop a nickel/cobalt ore mining and processing operation 50km north-west of Kalgoorlie and 9km east of Ora Banda. Read more...Last updated: July 2, 1996
The proposal is to expand alumina production from 2.0 million tonnes per annum to 3.5 million tonnes per annum at the Worsley Alumina Refinery, Collie, and undertake associated bauxite mining activities at Boddington. Read more...Last updated: May 8, 1996
The proposal is to develop an upgraded tailings storage facility (TSF) at the Mt Keith nickel mine, located approximately 100 kilometres north of Leinster in the north-eastern Goldfields region of Western Australia Mining. Processing of nickel ore commenced at Mt Keith in 1994. To date, two conventional paddock storage type tailings cells have been used to store tailings, and the proponent has approval to construct an additional two cells. In 1990, a feasibility study into centralised thickened... Read more...Last updated: January 6, 1995
Reid Highway is identified on the Metropolitan Region Scheme as a 'Controlled Access Highway'. When completed, Reid Highway would connect the Mitchell Freeway and Marmion Avenue in the west with Roe Highway just north of Midland. This proposal is for the 8.3km section of Reid Highway between Beechboro Road and the Great Northern Highway/Roe Highway intersection, which would complete the link between Mitchell Freeway and Roe Highway. Read more...Last updated: October 11, 1994
In September 1993, the Department of Planning and Urban Development, on behalf of the State Planning Commission referred the two major Amendments to the metropolitan Region Scheme (MRS) effecting the South West Corridor to the Environmental Protection Authority for assessment. These Amendments were identified as Amendment No. 938/33 (Stage A), and Amendment No. 937/33 (Stage B). The Environmental Protection Authority set two different levels of assessment on the proposals contained within the... Read more...Last updated: February 21, 1994
This proposal involves the development of a canal estate with some similarities to one previously proposed at the same site, which was assessed by the Environmental Protection Authority in October 1992 and subsequently withdrawn by the proponent. The principal differences between the previous proposal and this proposal are: a reduction of the area proposed to be developed by approximately 30 hectares; and the ceding of approximately 69 hectares of privately owned land by the proponent to the... Read more...Last updated: November 23, 1992
The proposal is to develop a 30 hectare site on Lot 48 and Part Lot 35 Brixton Street, Kenwick, for mixed density housing. The land immediately to the north of this site is subject to a System 6 recommendation and is managed as a conservation reserve by the University of Western Australia, the owner of the land. The land, the subject of this proposal, is ecologically similar to the reserves north and south and forms a link between these areas. Read more...Last updated: September 21, 1992
The proposal is to build a primary school and church complex within System 6 M93, and within the newly announced Beeliar Regional Park. Read more...Last updated: June 23, 1992
Swan Portland Cement propose to quarry limestone and construct and operate a quicklime plant in the Nowergup area, approximately 13 km north of Wanneroo. Read more...Last updated: May 1, 1992
Town Planning Scheme No 2 - Amendment No 15, Lot 125 Doley Road and Lot 126 Orton Road, Byford. Read more...Last updated: February 14, 1992
Residential and Special Rural Rezoning and Subdivision of Locations 90 and 92 Hardey Road, Serpentine Read more...Last updated: June 26, 1989
The State Planning Commission has proposed an amendment to the Metropolitan Regional Scheme (MRS) to create the reserve for the Kwinana Freeway extension from Thomas Road to the southern boundary of the Metropolitan Region, north east of Mandurah. Read more...