A study of inland surface waters of the Pilbara was begun in 1983 with the following longterm objectives:
1. To produce an inventory of permanent and ephemeral inland surface waters which identifies and documents:
(i) significant physical and biological characteristics:
(ii) land tenure:
(iii) amenity, conservation and recreational values: and
(iv) pressures arising from existing and potential land uses, human access and population centres.
2. To classify the waters. using significant physical and biological characteristics.
3. To establish priorities for management and/or reservation.
4. To develop guidelines for appropriate conservation and management.
This report is concerned with a first phase of the Study and has three main objectives:
- To identify and document. as far as possible, inland surface waters in the Fortescue and De Grey river catchments in terms of their important physical and biological characteristics;
- To develop a preliminary classification system based on observations made in the field: and
- To make recommendations for future phases of the study.