Scheme/scheme amendmentResponsible Authority: Western Australian Planning CommissionDescription: The amendment will reclassify 15.69 ha from a ‘Parks and Recreation’ reservation to a ‘Public Purposes – Special Uses’ reservation and 1.72 ha to a ‘Urban’ zone to facilitate the development of a television studio screen production facility and provide for the widening of Marshall Road and align with the abutting zoning. Local Government Authority: Western Australian Planning CommissionLast updated: Monday, 24 April, 2023Current status: Decision on whether to assess has been published Chairman's DeterminationDate of determination: Monday, 24 April, 2023Decision: Referral examined, preliminary investigations and inquiries conducted. Scheme Amendment not to be assessed under Part IV of the EP Act. No advice given (Not appealable)Extract of determination: Metropolitan Region Scheme Amendment 1403/57 (PDF, 188.15 KB)Environmental Factors: Social SurroundingsInland Waters