EPA Annual Report 1995-1996

Chairman's letter
EPA members
How the EPA works: Approach taken by EPA.
EPA plan
Major environmental and pollution issues: State of Environment reporting; Salinity Strategy for the South-West; Resources development; South-West flora; Port development and risk; Air quality; Environment and land use; System 6 Update; Contaminated sites and redevelopment; Waste management; 1997 report on the Forest Management Plan 1994-2003.
Policy development: Environmental protection policies; Status of EPP being developed; EP A policy positions.
Environmental impact assessment: Policies and criteria for environmental impact assessment.
Consultation: Advisory Council to the EPA; Site visits; Meetings; Presentations.
Legislative issues: Planning Act Amendment; Civil litigation; Proposed changes to the Environmental Protection Act.
Administration and support: Environmental Protection Authority; Department of Environmental Protection and the EPA; Meetings; Funding; EPA performance.

Published Date: 
October, 1996